Unit 1 Topic 2 What a large population! Section D 石鼓区松木中学杨百灵 九年级上册.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 Topic 2 What a large population! Section D 石鼓区松木中学杨百灵 九年级上册

New words and new phrases percent,offer,town, less than unless, couple, a couple of,market, excellent, keep up with, relation Useful expressions (1)I can’t go shopping unless I travel for a couple of hours. (2)People have to study and work hard to keep up with the quick development of modern society.

1a Read and understand Read and compare. Do you want to live in a place with a large population or a small one? Underline the key words. Read and compare. Do you want to live in a place with a large population or a small one? Underline the key words. Hello, everyone! My name is Sue. I come from Fairmont, Canada. Canada is a big green country with a lot of snow in winter. I live in a small mountain town called Fairmont. It has less than 600 people. My hometown has lots of tall, green trees and clean fresh air. Our town is like one big family, really. I can’t go shopping in big stores unless I travel for a couple of hours. And sometimes it is hard to see my friends because they live so far away. Hello, everyone! My name is Sue. I come from Fairmont, Canada. Canada is a big green country with a lot of snow in winter. I live in a small mountain town called Fairmont. It has less than 600 people. My hometown has lots of tall, green trees and clean fresh air. Our town is like one big family, really. I can’t go shopping in big stores unless I travel for a couple of hours. And sometimes it is hard to see my friends because they live so far away.

  Hi, I’m Ling. I live in Beijing, the capital of China. The city has a long history and many places of interest, such as the Great Wall,the Ming Tombs,the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City. We have many big shopping centers and huge markets, so shopping is easy and pleasant. Our public transportation is excellent,too.buses, taxies and subways can take you to any part of the city quickly. However,life isn’t always easy. People have to study and work hard to keep up with the quick development of modern society.

Pair work Ask and answer the following questions with your partner. The words in the box may help you. quiet peaceful relaxed comfortable busy worried tried nervous 1. What are the difference between Sue’s and Li Ming’s lives? 2. Are their lives easy or hard? 3. Why do you think so? 4. Do you think Canada’s population is too small? Why or why not? 5. Do you think China’s population is too large? Why or why not?

Present perfect ( II ) 现在完成时( 2 ) 用法:表示过去某时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 对现在仍然有影响。如: I’ve just tried to call you. 我刚刚打电话找你。 Has he ever been abroad? No, he has never been abroad. 他出过国吗?不,他从没出过国。 Have you found it yet ? Yes, he has already gone home. 你已经找到他了吗? 是的, 他已经回家

【注】现在完成时不能和明确表示过去的时间状语连用。 如 :yesterday, last week, in 1980,3 days ago 等。但可以和 不明确的时间状语连用。如 : already, yet, sometimes, often, just, ever, once; 也可以和包括现在在内的时间状语 连用,如: this morning , this week,this year, today 等。 如: We have done all the business of the whole day this morning 今天早上我们已经处理完一整天的事务。 Once you have got ready for the lunch, you may call me. 只要你准备好午餐,你就可以叫我。

2 Work alone fill in the blanks with have/has been or have/has gone. 1. A: Where you _____ ? B: I ___ _ to my grandma’s home. B: I ___ _ to my grandma’s home. 3. A: I’m not feeling well. I have a cold. B: ____ you _ __ to the hospital yet? B: ____ you _ __ to the hospital yet? A: Yes, I have. A: Yes, I have. 2. A: Where __ _ your grandson ___ __? B: He ___ _ to play football. B: He ___ _ to play football. 4. A: Where is our teacher? I have to ask for two day’s leave. B: She __ _ to the library to borrow books. B: She __ _ to the library to borrow books. have been have been havebeen has gone has been

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