All about Eugene Teo Linux Users' Group (Singapore) April 2006 Meeting Core 5.


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Presentation transcript:

all about Eugene Teo Linux Users' Group (Singapore) April 2006 Meeting Core 5

WHAT is Fedora? WHY use Fedora Core 5? WHERE to download Fedora? HOW do you join the open source movement? [ what will we talk about today? ]

[ WHAT is Fedora? ]

[ Background of Fedora ] 2002 school project at University of Hawai'i by Warren Togami Proposal to Community: Collaborative development of a centralized repository “Extras” add-on software for Red Hat Linux proposal to merge, create bigger project Fedora is born

[ Fedora Today ] Rapidly growing community of volunteers Various sub-projects “Open Development Lab” Fedora Core ● Operating System that was Red Hat Linux ● Contributions from community and Red Hat ● Bug reports and patches Documentation

[ Fedora Today ] Volunteer Sysadmins Fedora Ambassadors ● 114 marketing volunteers globally ● Fedora presence at events worldwide Fedora Legacy ● Red Hat engineering must focus on the Future ● Community security maintenance of older Fedora Releases ● Community Project; Decides fate on older releases

[ Fedora Development Cycle ]

[ Red Hat's Involvement ] Upstream is important ● Whenever possible, get patches into upstream ● Everyone benefits from sharing and collaboration ● We benefit from wider peer review and testing Red Hat Contributions to Upstream ● Many parts of the kernel ● GCC, glibc, binutils, elfutils, many parts of Gnome ● Open Source Java (gcj and Classpath) ● Many other components

[ WHY use Fedora Core 5? ]

[ Desktop ] Exciting new look and feel ● A bubbly new theme ● First use of new Fedora logo Accelerated Indirect GLX (ALGLX) work from the Fedora Rendering Project is integrated into the desktop X11R7.0 is completely modularized ● Enables easier driver upgrades ● Simplifies development ● Opening way for rapid improvement in graphics

[ Desktop - Install ]

[ Desktop – gdm ]

[ Desktop – First Login ]

[ Desktop ] Exciting new look and feel ● A bubbly new theme ● First use of new Fedora logo Accelerated Indirect GLX (ALGLX) work from the Fedora Rendering Project is integrated into the desktop X11R7.0 is completely modularized ● Enables easier driver upgrades ● Simplifies development ● Opening way for rapid improvement in graphics

[ Desktop ] Gnome-mount uses HAL library ● Better flexibility ● Better administration capabilities Multimedia application now built around free codecs Latest version of Gnome Power Manager provide improved power management Suspend to RAM and hibernation work with the largest number of hardware combinations

[ Desktop ] Includes mono support for the first time

[ Desktop – Beagle ]

[ Desktop – F-Spot ]

[ Desktop – Tomboy ]

[ Software Install and Management ] Previous graphical software management utilities replaced by Pup and Pirut Share the same strong foundation as Yum

[ Xen Virtualization ]

[ Security ] SELinux now uses reference policy ● Supports binary modules, allowing SELinux policies to move into individual packages ● Easier to create and maintain modular security policies Also supports Multi Category Security (MCS) SELinux policy by default, in addition to Type Enforcement (TE), Multi Level Security (MLS) and Role Base Access Control (RBAC) security policies

[ Technology Previews ] SystemTap ● Provides an infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux kernel ● No need to hack the kernel, add in instrumentation hooks, recompile, test and reboot ● Still under rapid development Frysk ● Creates an intelligent, distributed and always-on system monitoring and debugging tool, to monitor processes and threads

[ And many other improvements ] Many other improvements including ● I18n and L10n ● Open Source Java ● GCC enhancements ● etc So, go try out Fedora Core 5 and find out for yourself!

[ WHERE to download Fedora? ]

[ Download Fedora Core 5 ] Fedora mirror sites ● ● Some local mirrors include ● ● Fedora Free Media Program ● ● Takes time. Need more volunteers from Singapore ● Right now, it's only me. Need to borrow a DVD-writer

[ HOW do you join the movement? ]

[ first, you play ] get fedora for free poke it, prod it, use it, share it [ be curious ]

[ then, you learn ] [ the Internet changes everything ] how can I always see s from my girlfriend first? how do I hook a web server to a database? can I write a script to do this? or this? or that? let me search the mailing lists...

[ then, you do ] I set up a wiki as my homepage I built a backup system for my lab at school I wrote a script to server intrusions to my phone [ the more you do, the more there is to do ]

[ then, you give back ] “Hey, Bluetooth Manager is broken... how do I file a bug?” “I’m working on a kernel project... how can I make it available?” “I made my own Fedora Live CD – you can get it from me!” [ learn the wisdom of “sharing by default” ]

[ then, you teach ] “Here’s why open source is better.” “Yeah, that’s busted. File a bug – here’s how.” “Your RPM doesn’t build properly; here’s a fix.” “Take these CDs and install them.” [ you’re free – now go help the others ]

[ learn ] Eugene Teo