Welcome to Lacey Gardens Junior School. This is the entrance to our amazing school! Lacey Gardens Junior School Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 8DH Headteacher: Mrs Gillian Bassett
This is our massive field. During the winter we are not allowed here. But when the weather is nice we all enjoy this great part of the school.
This is the other side to our playing fields. We have very beautiful trees and also some very nice seating areas. We are soon going to have a quiet area where children can read and play games like chess.
This is our lower playground, we have one more playground on higher ground. You are allowed to play football or any other ball games on this playground.
This is our top playground. As you can see there are some children like you playing tennis. We play sports on both the top and the bottom playground. But footballs are not allowed on the top playground.