September 15, 2010 Lesson One
The Bible Author: How true: Main Character: Purpose: God the Holy Spirit Completely true Jesus Christ To save me through faith in Jesus
Bible God the Holy Spirit wordswords Verbal Inspiration: The Holy Spirit taught the writers the exact words to write
Bible =100% Truth +-+-
Bible The Bible is the true, clear, powerful, Word of God that changes my life.
Key Question: What life-changing message does the Bible bring to me?
1. What are the Bible's two main teachings? a. John 1:17* Law: Commands that tell us what God wants us to do and not to do b. Romans 1:16* Gospel: The Good News of Jesus saving us
2. What does the Law show me about myself? a. Galatians 3:12 The commands: Do! Don't Do!
2. What does the Law show me about myself? a. Galatians 3:12 b. Romans 3:22, 23* God's Law shows us our sin Sin: Any action, word, thought, or attitude that doesn't hit the mark set by God's Law
2. What does the Law show me about myself? a. Galatians 3:12 b. Romans 3:22, 23* c. Romans 6:23a * We deserve death and hell
2. What does the Law show me about myself? a. Galatians 3:12 b. Romans 3:22, 23* c. Romans 6:23a * d. Romans 2:15 The Law is written on our hearts and in the Bible
3. What does the Gospel teach me? a. Luke 2:10, 11* God sent Jesus, my Savior
3. What does the Gospel teach me? a. Luke 2:10, 11* b. Colossians 2:13, 14* Jesus paid for everyone's sins on the cross me
3. What does the Gospel teach me? a. Luke 2:10, 11* b. Colossians 2:13, 14* c. John 3:16* God's love promises eternal life to all who believe in Jesus God' s love Bible
3. What does the Gospel teach me? a. Luke 2:10, 11* b. Colossians 2:13, 14* c. John 3:16* d. 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15* The Gospel leads me to want to obey God's Law out of thanks to him
Law 1 Written in Bible and heart 2 Do! Don't Do! 3 Shows Our Sin (SOS) 4 Deserve death and hell 5 Have to do God's will Gospel 1 Only in Bible 2 Done by Jesus! 3 Shows Our Savior (SOS 4 Gift of eternal life 5 Want to do God's will
Key Question: What life-changing message does the Bible bring to me? The Gospel of Jesus Christ changes my life by working faith in my heart.