Anti-Bullying week :Launch assembly
What is the same about us? Who is having school dinner today? Who walked to school? Who has asked a question today ? Who had a happy playtime? Who has taken a challenge in their learning today?
Thinking challenge! How could it help us to know what is the same about us?
Knowing what is same about our lives can help us get to know each other. It is also a strong starting point to understanding how we also might be different.
How are we different? Think about: How we look; move; speak; see; learn; hear. Our disabilities Our families Our religion Our beliefs Our ethnicity Our gender Our languages
Sometimes being different is not always valued or respected. Watch Rosie’s story…up to 2 mins
What kind of behaviour is this? Every time Priya put her hand up and tried to answer a question in class, the same three children always laughed behind their hands. Sometimes in the playground these children would come up to Priya and ask her to say something and then laugh and giggle. Priya hasn’t told anyone about this and cries every night at bedtime.
Our right to feel safe In our school we think that everyone has the right to feel safe and valued. We believe that no one should be bullied because they move, look, speak, see, hear or learn in a different way.
This week in PSHE lessons we will be discussing what is bullying behaviour and what is friends falling out. We will be thinking about what to do if we think someone is being bullied. We will be doing some caring thinking and exploring ways to make sure everyone has happy playtimes.
Anti-Bullying Week Assembly 2 Children share what they have learnt during the week. Recap definitions of bullying. Highlight the right to feel safe at school. Children share games adapted to include all children.