Champagnat School Teacher (COLOMBIA) FULBRIGHT Teacher (USA) ICETEX Teacher (FRANCE) VIF Teacher (USA) UNAD Tutor: 5 YEARS Name: Henry Carvajal EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern languages (English and French) Post- Graduate Degree in Reading and Writing Master degree in Online Education PERSONAL DATA Location: Charlotte, USA EXPERIENCE Skype: carvajalh
Academic Writing is a three-credits course, whose main goal is to develop students’ writing skills in academic settings. Students will improve their writing by expanding their vocabulary and their linguistic skills, and by enhancing their critical reading skills. It consists of three didactic units. The first unit relies on the theoretical generalities of academic writing. The second and third one focus on producing academic texts as a way of practicing concepts.
The approach proposed for this course is the Task-Based Approach (TBA) since it permits goal-oriented and meaning centered activities. Writing tasks are designed to facilitate students’ participation in meaningful activities. Students will be involved in writing: an academic journal during the whole semester, two academic paragraphs, and an argumentative essay. In addition, they will be involved in participating constantly in academic forums.
Students should hold a B2 certificate because they are required to interact completely in English. They need to write clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects related to their interests. They need to write essays or reports, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view.
The course is intended to help students to develop skills in academic writing as well as to self-reflect on their own writing process throughout the reading of some theoretical material and the writing of some academic papers.
COMMUNICATIVE Interpretative Students easily characterize, name and discuss on the formalities and specifications of academic writing. Argumentative Students are able to write clear, detailed texts, essays or reports, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view. Propositive Students are to propose different alternative for improving their own academic writing process
DISCIPLINARY Students identify and practice writing strategies and methodologies that can turn into theoretical and practical foundation that they will be able to use once they become teachers. TRANSVERSAL Students recognize the need of using new technologies (searching for information in databases, hypertexts, etc.) when supporting points of view about a particular topic.
I look forward to working with you all during this semester. Let’s begin by checking the agenda so we all know about activities that need to be completed during these first weeks. If any questions or doubts, just send me a message. “In working together, things will be easier” Henry Carvajal
Welcome aboard!