IN THE ONLINE CLASSROOM For Practice, Critical Thinking and More!
“O’Fortuna” from The Open University
Analyzing choices Play the game; students record their choices Read related primary sources Write: does new knowledge change or justify their choices?
Who Wants to be a Cotton Millionaire? From the BBC Ethical Issues Debate
Infinity of Nations Culture Quest at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian
Making Rational Decisions Divide class into two groups Each student represents a different individual with different occupation and status. Each student fills out the goals chart & shares with group Select the goal(s) that are most important for a person like you in Aztec society Think carefully about what goals are likely for a person of your wealth and status Very important Somewhat important Not important Earning enough to pay for life’s necessities Maintaining a privileged position in society Impressing my peers and subordinates Making my enemies fear me Finding new clients or customers Increasing my own wealth Maintaining the well-being of society as a whole Maintaining the traditions of my people Increasing my own status and social position Doing things that will please my rulers Doing things that will please the gods
Warrior (3 votes) Emperor (6 votes) Skilled artisans (2 votes) Market trader (1 vote) Priest (3 votes) Farmer (1/2 vote) Slave (0 vote) Decide: whose interests will determine trade policies?
Warrior (3 votes) Emperor (6 votes) Skilled artisans (2 votes) Merchant (1/2 vote) Scholar-official (3 votes) Farmer (1 vote) Entertainers (0 vote) Decide: whose interests will determine trade policies?
Decide: what will be offered and requested to secure your goals?
Barter, conclude the deal (or not), and write individual reflection
Sporcle: Games in different categories, including geography, history, language, literature, science. Each category is further divided into subcategories. Epic Win: Turn completing tasks into a quest game. Downloadable app allows players to build on their character with the completion of each task. Mankind: World Heritage Destinations game, at The different levels of the game focus on various world regions. Traveler IQ Challenge: Tests the player’s knowledge of cities, monuments, parks, etc. in various continents. Londoner: The History Game. Player creates a historical personality and makes decisions to survive life in 17 th century London. Best of History Websites: games and animations. Various types and levels of game play (along with resources). Especially strong in U.S. History, but European and world history games and resources as well. animations/ animations/
Space Science Institute: Scigames. Games about the cosmos that challenge students to ask questions about what exists, what we know (and don’t know) and “what if.” IXL Learning: Math Skills: Quizzes for everything from basic math to precalculus. Common Sense Media: Science Apps, Games and Websites: Descriptions, reviews, and links to a wide range of active learning resources for teens and above. Seredip Studio: A diverse collection of online games and activities across disciplines; many emphasize psychology and perception, social relationships. BBC: The Climate Challenge. A game of politics and science, as the player has to make decisions about climate change but still retain elective office.
Take Aways Adapt and innovate Challenge the students Require reflection Engage students in learning!