Tools and Techniques for Higher Reliability Software FOSDEM 2013 – Ada Developer Room Philippe Waroquiers Eurocontrol/DNM


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Presentation transcript:

Tools and Techniques for Higher Reliability Software FOSDEM 2013 – Ada Developer Room Philippe Waroquiers Eurocontrol/DNM 3 February 2013

FOSDEM Eurocontrol  European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation  International organisation, 39 member states  Multiple activities/directorates/…  Participates/supports big European projects  Central Route Charge Office  Directorate Network Management  ….  More info:

FOSDEM Directorate Network Management  Air Traffic Management “Network Management”  = services of general interest for the European Aviation  European air route design  Flight plan processing  Flow management  Scarce resources management  Radio frequencies  SSR codes  Crisis management  (remember 2010 volcano ash crisis)  …

FOSDEM Flight plan processing, Flow management, …  Flight Plan processing over the whole of Europe (IFPS)  Aircraft Operators send flight plans to IFPS  Flight plans are verified, corrected if needed, redistributed to airspace control centres, airports, Aircraft Operators  Flow Management (ETFMS) : Balancing demand and capacity  Safety : avoid Air Traffic Control overload  Efficiency : best use of ATC capacity, minimise delays  ENV: “airspace data management system”  Data Ware house  User interfaces for external users  Web Portal  …

FOSDEM D Trajectory, alternate routes

FOSDEM Vertical Trajectory

FOSDEM Differences radar plots <> Plan

FOSDEM Recomputed with radar plots

FOSDEM Macroscopic view of Europe

FOSDEM ETFMS & IFPS  Sophisticated systems  around 2 million SLOC of Ada  Reliability requirements  If IFPS down: no flight plan processing in Europe !  If ETFMS down: passengers will sleep in aerodromes !  Duplicated hardware, duplicated sites, contingency systems, …  Performances requirements  ETFMS handles 3 millions messages per day  Sometimes implies complex processing (e.g. recompute a flight route)  Safety requirements  Various obligations about people, procedures and systems  E.g. Software Assurance Level (SWAL)  Safety audits

FOSDEM Better no critical bugs in critical systems …  Use of uninitialised data  Memory leaks  Dangling pointers  Buffer overflows  Race conditions  Performance issues  Memory use problems  … 

FOSDEM But how to avoid/find/eliminate such bugs ?  People (qualifications, training, …)  Procedures (code review, coding standards, …)  Testing (unit testing, integration testing, user acceptance tests, shadow operations, security audits, …)  But also TOOLS  The Ada language is a main asset to avoid many such bugs  Thanks to early detection at compilation time  Thanks to run-time checks showing bugs during early testing  Valgrind is a main asset to find and eliminate remaining bugs

FOSDEM What is Valgrind ?  Valgrind = framework to build runtime analysis tools + a set of tools  Framework = about 400 KSLOC  Tools : between 3 KSLOC to 22 KSLOC  Tools:  Memcheck  Callgrind  Helgrind  Drd  Massif  Exp-sgcheck  …

FOSDEM Use of uninitialised data (1)  Memcheck --undef-value-errors=yes (default value)  Will report an error if an undefined value use will change the behaviour  Ada language : pragma Normalize_Scalars  All non-explicitly assigned scalars are automatically given a (invalid if possible) value  Run-time checks will detect the use of a invalid value  GNAT pragma Initialize_Scalars  More flexible version of Normalize_Scalars  Initial scalar value can be controlled  Flexibility about which/when run-time checks are done

FOSDEM Use of uninitialised data (2)  Memcheck detects a bug even if there is no invalid value  Initialize_Scalars  Detects a bug only if there is an invalid value in the range of the type  Otherwise, runs with different initial values can expose use of unitialised data  Initialize_Scalars is faster than memcheck  -O0 + all checks on + Initialize_Scalars  only 2x slower than  -O2 + standard Ada Reference Manual checks  (these checks detect the most horrible/random behaviour)  At Eurocontrol:  Day to day development done with Initialize_Scalars  Some “shadow operational” testing period with Initialize_Scalars  Week-end builds validated with memcheck

FOSDEM Memory leaks  Avoid by using Ada constructs  Often, some Ada constructs allow to avoid using heap  E.g. record discriminants, OO types without heap, arrays, …  Otherwise, manage heap a “safe” way :  Controlled types, storage pools  Not always possible (CPU, memory)  Detect with gcc/gnat debug pools (GNAT.Debug_Pools)  “pre-processing” + recompile  Detect with memcheck --leak-check=full

FOSDEM Dangling pointers  Avoid by using Ada constructs : same as avoid memory leaks  Detect with gcc/gnat debug pools  Detect with memcheck  Detect with gcc “address sanitizer” option  New functionality, will be in gcc 4.8  Need to recompile  Not (yet) tried at Eurocontrol

FOSDEM Buffer overflows (1)  Ada arrays are first class citizens  ‘range, ‘first, ‘last, … avoid buffer overflows  Arrays always carry their bounds  Detect with Ada : standard mandates array index verification  All array overflows are detected before damage  Buffer overflow results in a run-time exception  => no “random behaviour”  Very small overhead.  Measured on a representative program (compiled with optimisation) : less than 2% for all standard Ada Reference Manual checks  (a part of these Ada RM checks are the buffer overflow checks).

FOSDEM Buffer overflows (2)  Detect (not needed with Ada) with Memcheck  Detects (most) buffer overflows in heap allocated blocks  No detection in global or stack or “inside” a struct  Detect (not needed with Ada) with Exp-sgcheck  Experimental tool detecting stack and global overrun  No detection “inside” a struct  Detect (not needed with Ada) with gcc “address sanitizer” option  Will be in gcc 4.8, not (yet) tried at Eurocontrol  No detection “inside” a struct  Only the Ada run-time checks are detecting all buffer overflows  E.g. “inside” record (struct) components

FOSDEM Race conditions  Avoid by using Ada constructs  Ada tasks (threads) are first class citizens  Many constructs helps to avoid race conditions  Rendez-vous, protected objects, …  Ada multi-tasking constructs are easy – higher abstraction level (or at least easier to use than pthreads)  E.g. protected objects  Detect by using helgrind (or drd)  Helgrind used very successfully at Eurocontrol  Detect by using gcc “thread sanitizer” option  New functionality, will be in gcc 4.8  Need to recompile  Not tried (yet) at Eurocontrol

FOSDEM Performance issues  Callgrind : where is my CPU spent ?  It can measure a lot more  E.g. memory cache misses using a cache simulator  Callgrind is the main tool used at Eurocontrol to tune the performance  Kcachegrind : amazing visualisation tool for callgrind output

FOSDEM Kcachegrind

FOSDEM Kcachegrind

FOSDEM Memory use analysis  Memcheck  Report “delta memory” usage between two memory scans  Reports can be triggered from the program or from the shell  Massif  Shows the evolution of memory use with time  Produces reports at regular interval or on request  Exp-dhat  Shows if heap allocated memory is “accessed” a lot  E.g. can report memory allocated and then not used anymore  Memcheck and Massif used at Eurocontrol

FOSDEM Feedback from Valgrind use at Eurocontrol  Very easy to use  No re-compilation, no re-linking, works with closed source libs, …  Many powerful/advanced functionalities  But, depending on the tool  times slower  2.. xxx+ more memory  Eurocontrol applications are big/heavy  Encountered very high memory and CPU use by Valgrind  => several optimisations/additional functionalities added to Valgrind

FOSDEM Valgrind NEWS  One or two new major releases per year  New platforms, support for new instructions, …  New functionalities, new tools, …  Optimisation in CPU or memory, …  Bug fixes  Easy to get and compile new versions  Get last released version on  Next (unreleased) version:  svn co svn:// valgrind  cd valgrind ./ ./configure --prefix=...  make  make install

FOSDEM Valgrind NEWS  Current release :  Next release under development :  We will discuss recently provided or next release NEWS  Not yet released functionality in orange (will be in 3.9.0)

FOSDEM Valgrind NEWS: platforms  Started on linux/x86  Now available on  Linux/x86,amd64,ppc32,ppc64,arm,s390,mips32  Android/arm,x86  MacOS/x86,amd64  Support for new instructions  E.g. SSE, AVX, AES  E.g. ppc Decimal Floating Point instructions  Support for new distributions and glibc versions

FOSDEM Valgrind NEWS: improved leak functionality   memcheck leak suppression suppresses all leak kinds  E.g. an entry aimed at suppressing “possible leak” also suppresses “definite leak”  Dangling pointer errors only reports the “freed at” stack trace  :  A suppression optionally indicates the kind of leaks to suppress  Command line arguments to control output and/or exit code  --show-leak-kinds=kind1,kind2,…  --errors-for-leak-kinds=kind1,kind2,…  --keep-stacktraces=alloc|free|alloc-and-free|alloc-then-free|none  Can report more stacktraces in a dangling pointer error  Or can optimise memory by recording fewer or no stack traces  E.g. if not interested in some error kinds  --merge-recursive-frames=  Useful to limit the number of recorded stack traces by merging recursive calls

FOSDEM Valgrind NEWS : gdb server (1)  GDB server allows to have fully debuggable program under Valgrind  Connect with GDB to the Valgrind gdb server  GDB can then  Insert breakpoints, (unlimited) watchpoints, …  Examine the list of threads/tasks  Examine the value of variables  Continue/interrupt execution  …  Valgrind gdb server provides “monitor commands”  Allows to trigger Valgrind functionalities from GDB  (or from the shell command line)  E.g. for memcheck : leak search, checking definedness, …

FOSDEM Valgrind NEWS : gdb server (2) memcheck monitor commands get_vbits [ ] returns validity bits for (or 1) bytes at bit values 0 = valid, 1 = invalid, __ = unaddressable byte Example: get_vbits 0x8049c78 10 make_memory [noaccess|undefined |defined|Definedifaddressable] [ ] mark (or 1) bytes at with the given accessibility check_memory [addressable|defined] [ ] check that (or 1) bytes at have the given accessibility and outputs a description of

FOSDEM Valgrind NEWS : gdb server (3) memcheck monitor commands leak_check [full*|summary] [kinds kind1,kind2,...|reachable|possibleleak*|definiteleak] [increased*|changed|any] [unlimited*|limited ] * = defaults where kind is one of definite indirect possible reachable all none Examples: leak_check leak_check summary any leak_check full kinds indirect,possible leak_check full reachable any limited 100 block_list after a leak search, shows the list of blocks of who_points_at [ ] shows places pointing inside (default 1) bytes at (with len 1, only shows "start pointers" pointing exactly to, with len > 1, will also show "interior pointers")

FOSDEM Valgrind NEWS: tune red zones size  Red zone = protection zone before/after malloc-ed block  Allows to detect buffer over/under-flow  If too small: less chance to detect a bug  If too big : uses too much memory  Command line options to increase/decrease size  --redzone-size=  Size for client (application) malloc’ed blocks  --core-redzone-size=  Size for Valgrind internal malloc’ed blocks  No buffer overflows with Ada => use minimal red zone

FOSDEM Valgrind NEWS: support for other malloc libs  Command line –soname-synonyms=…  allows to support non-libc malloc libraries or statically linked libs --soname-synonyms=somalloc=*tcmalloc*  Support for all variants of tcmalloc shared libraries --soname-synonyms=somalloc=NONE  Support for a statically linked malloc library

FOSDEM Valgrind bad NEWS: failure to develop, help needed  Valgrind serialises thread execution  In other words, on a multi-core, Valgrind can only use one core  Trial done to make a “really” multi-threaded Valgrind  Many race conditions found (with Valgrind on Valgrind)  Some have been fixed  The “none” tool reasonably uses multi-core  Biggest (not solved) blocking problem:  Memcheck “VA bits” data structure is used for each memory access  Using locks to protect it is way too slow  Even using one atomic instruction is too slow  => ????  Ideas/help welcome …

FOSDEM Reliable Software : other tools/approaches/…  AdaControl : Ada coding rule checker  Developed initially for Eurocontrol.  Open source  Routinely used at Eurocontrol  Static code analyzers  CodePeer (Adacore)  Program provers  SPARK : annotated subset of Ada  Ada 2012 contracts  …

FOSDEM Conclusion : Reliable Software  Reliable software obtained  using a combination of various techniques and tools  Use a safe language, i.e. Ada  Complement this with tools  Valgrind is a main tool used at Eurocontrol  Use it, you will like it

FOSDEM Questions ?