WordSkills 5 Base/Root Words Lesson 5. Ac(Acr) Acid: a bitter or corrosive substance –ac (bitter) id (related to) Acrid: to be very bitter in taste or.


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Presentation transcript:

WordSkills 5 Base/Root Words Lesson 5

Ac(Acr) Acid: a bitter or corrosive substance –ac (bitter) id (related to) Acrid: to be very bitter in taste or smell –acr (bitter) id (related to) Acerbate: to vex or annoy –ac (sharp) ate (make) sharp, bitter

Ambul Amble: to walk around –amble (walk) Ambulatory: related to walking; capable of walking –ambul ( walk) ory (pertaining to) Perambulate to walk through as to inspect – per (through) amble (walk) ate (make) walk

Aqu Aquatic: having the characteristics of water –aqu (water) ic (having the characteristics of) Aquarium: a place where live fish are displayed –aqu (water) ium (place where) Aqueduct: pipe or channel to transport water –aqu (water) duct (lead) water

Bene Beneficial: for the good of, advantageous –bene (good) fic (make, do) al (related to) Benign: having good intentions, friendly –bene (good) gen (born, start) Benediction: a blessing –bene (good) dict (speak, say) ion (act of) good, well

Bio Biology: the study of life –bio (life) logy (study) Biography: the story of a person’s life –bio (life) graph (write) y (result of) Biosphere: the part of earth and its atmosphere that supports life –bio (life) sphere (circle) life

Caco Cacophony: a very bad or harsh sound –caco (bad) phon (sound) y (result of) Cacography: bad handwriting –caco (bad) graph (write) y (result of) Cacogenics: the science of degeneration at birth –Caco (bad) gen (birth) ics (science of) bad

Ced (ceed, cess) Precede: to go before –pre (before) ced (go) Excede: to go above; surpass –ex (out) ced (go) Procession: the act of going along or forward; a parade –pro (forth, forward) cess (go) ion (act on) go

Dem Democracy: a government ruled by the people –dem (people) crac (rule, government) y (result of) Demographics: the science of human characteristics especially for marketing purposes –dem (people) graph (write) ics (science of) Epidemic: spreading through a community –epi (upon, over) dem (people) ic (having the characterictics of) people

Equ Equal: of the same amount, value, or importance –equ (same) al (related to) Equilateral: having the same side –equ (same) later (side) al (related to) Equator: line that divides the northern and southern hemispheres –equ (same) or (that which) same

Flect (flex) Flexible: able to bend –flex (bend) ible (able to) Reflection: an image or representation such as in a mirror; a thought of the past –re (back) flect (bend) ion (act of) Deflect : to cause to bend, turn aside, or deviate –de (down) flect (bend) bend

Gen Generate: to start; bring into existence; produce –gen (start) ate (make) Genocide: killing or extermination of a group or race –gen (race) cid (kill) Genealogy: the study of an ancestry or family history –gen (birth, family) logy (study of) start, begin, birth, kind, family, race

Gon Polygon: an object with many sides and angles –poly (many) gon (angle) Diagonal: connecting two different angles with a straight line –dia (across) gon (angle) al (related to) Pentagon: an object having five sides with the same angles –penta (five) gon (angle) angle

Gram (graph) Telegram: a message sent over long distances using a telegraph – tele (far, distant) gram (write) Phonograph: a machine that plays sounds using records in the form of cylinders –phon (sound) graph (write) Graphic: written or inscribed; a vivid or detailed image -- graph (write) ic (related to) write, record

I atr Pediatrics: the science of healing and caring for children –ped (child) iatr (cure) ics (science of) Geriatrics: the science of healing or caring for the elderly –geri (old) iatr (cure) ics (science of) Psychiatrist: one who helps cure or heal the mind –psych (mind) iatr (cure, heal) ist (one who) cure, heal

Ject Reject: to cast off or throw away; to refuse a request –re (back) ject (throw) Projectile: a body or object that is thrown or propelled forward –pro (forth, forward) ject (throw) ile (related to) Deject: to depress someone’s spirits; dishearten –de (down) ject (throw) throw

Kin (cin) Cinema: a motion-picture; movie –cin (move) Kinetic: related to motion; caused by motion –kin (move) ic (related to) Kinesiology: The study of muscles and their movement –kin (move) logy (word) move

Magna Magnify: to make larger –magna (large) fy (make) Magnitude: state of greatness or size; great importance or consequence; extent –magna (great) tude (state of) Magnum opus: a masterpiece of literary or artistic work –magna (great) opus (work) large, great

Nat Native: being the place of a person’s birth; belonging to the first inhabitants; having claim of since birth –nat (birth) ive (performing or tending toward) Neonatal: related to newborns –neo (new) nat (birth) al (related to) Nativity: related to a person’s birth –nat (birth) ity (state or condition of) Birth

Par Parallel: extending in the same direction and never crossing –par (same) ali (other) Parity: equality, as in amount, character or status –par (equal) ity (state or condition of) Compare: to examine similarities and differences –com (together, with) par (equal) same, equal

Pel (puls) Repel: to drive or beat back –re (back) pel (drive) Propel: to drive forth or forward –pro (forth, forward) pel (drive) Pulsate: to beat, to vibrate, expand and contract rhythmically –puls (beat) ate (make, cause) drive, beat

Sci Science: the state of knowing; a particular branch of knowledge –sci (know) ence (state or condition of) Conscious: knowing one’s existence, thoughts and surroundings –con (with) sci (know) ious (full of) Omniscient: to know all –omni (all) sci (knowl) ent (full of) know

Tend (tens) Tension: the act of stretching or straining –tens (stretch) ion (act of) Tendon: tough, fibrous tissue resembling a cord that connects a muscle to a bone –tend (stretch) Extend: to stretch out, often to full length –ex (out) tend (stretch) stretch

Theo Theology: the study of religious faith, practice and experience; the study of God and God’s characteristics –theo (god) logy (study of) Atheist: a person who denies the existence of a supreme being or higher power –a (lacking, without) theo (god) ist (one who) Theocracy: a government ruled by God –theo (god) crac (government, rule) y (result of) god

Ven (vent) Prevent: to keep from occurring; to stop before it happens –pre (before) ven (come) Convention: the act of coming together –con (together) vent (come) ion (act of) Adventure: an excited or unusual experience –ad (to, toward) vent (come) ure (act, process) come

Voc (vok) Evoke: to call out; to draw out –e (out) vok (call) Provocation: the act of calling forth or forward; irritation –pro (forth, forward) voc (call) ion (act of) Vocation: a particular occupation or career; a calling –vok (call) ion (act of) call