Wiki Based Teaching Learning Scenarios at the University of Vienna Harald Höller Peter Reisinger Talk given at the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-Media) Vienna, July 4, 2008 Faculty of Physics University of Vienna
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger2 von 16 What is a Wiki and why do we use it? „A wiki is a collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language.“ [, ] for us, a wiki is also an e-learning platform open content policy didactical and technical requirements
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger3 von 16 open content learning material can be developed by anyone didactical and technical requirements rather moderate number of students „special language“ independence from central e-learning platform (Blackboard Vista, Fronter, Moodle) What is a Wiki and why do we use it?
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger4 von 16 Why we chose MediaWiki no licence costs easy to administrate rights management low system requirements for clients formular rendering extendability, multimedia support support of collaborative editing
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger5 von 16
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger6 von 16 Technical Adaptions (Extensions) Namespace Subpage User-Rights Single Sign-On Link in MediaWiki with Subpages:../namespace:page/subpage/subsubpage/… Example:../physics:content../physics:content/mathematic../physics:content/mathematic/integral
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger7 von 16 Technical Adaptions (Extensions) Further extensions: Axiom Cite Flashow PageNotice
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger8 von 16 Working Wiki Pages in this part of the Wiki: group of students learning process no claim for accuracy or flawlessness marked with a logo
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger9 von 16 Working Wiki form and work in learning-groups look into a subject self-contained wording issues for their colleagues feel committed to their own texts analyze special texts cite their sources soft skills
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger10 von 16 The Wiki of the Faculty of Physics & e-learning open content wiki as content management system (.pdf,.doc,.svg,...) multimedial learning environments embedding videos and applets (physlets) Mathematica notebooks working wiki collaborative design of wiki pages by students
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger11 von 16 Teaching Learning Scenario – the TMREP TMREP – revision course for theoretical physics hard skills & „softer“ skills calculation techniques interpretation and visualization of solutions „stupid questions“ and discussions social learning in small groups
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger12 von 16 all lectures > lecture overview > smester overview > content E-learning Environment
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger13 von 16 E-learning Environment of the TMREP working wiki student's playground materials to Mathematica and semester scheme table of content & interactive files for courses discussion pages factual and organizational forums
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger14 von 16 Learning Outcomes technical Mathematica, wiki, LaTeX physical / mathematical: improved understanding of complex issues by repetition, visualization, intepretation social enhancing the learning process itself
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger15 von 16 Outlook extensions integrate existing extensions develop new extensions multilmedia videos of experiments interactive online experiments further development
4.Juli.2008Höller & Reisinger16 von 16 Thank you for your Attention! project documentation