L-030-3(5) Prepared by: Eng Kok Siong Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved Government Policies Module Putrajaya Boulevard (Artist Impression) Year 2025
Government PoliciesSlide 2 Deliver Information on Civil Service The Civil Service and ICT The focus was on the implementation of the Electronic Government flagship and the development of the E-Public Services application. At the same time the Civil Service continued to support the implementation of other on-going ICT programs. These included computerization projects at various agencies, IT infrastructure development, IT research and development, upgrading of the Malaysian Civil Service Link to enhance access and human resource development for ICT needs.
Government PoliciesSlide 3 E Government Flagship Application Advantages Improves the efficiency of the internal processes of agencies Enhances the delivery and the quality of services to customers. Services can be delivered on-line through high-speed multiple delivery channels and transactions will be paperless. Five pilot projects are being implemented under The Malaysian Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU): Electronic Delivery of Driver and Vehicle Registration, Licensing and Summons Services, Utility Bill Payments and Ministry Of Health On-line Information (E- Services); Electronic Procurement (EP); Generic Office Environment (GOE); Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS); and Project Monitoring System (PMS)
Government PoliciesSlide 4 IT Infrastructure During year 1999, The new Federal Government Administrative Centre in Putrajaya initiated the following for the civil service: Government Integrated Telecommunications Network (GITN) A dedicated and secured telecommunications and information technology infrastructure for Government agencies. Facilitate the communication and electronic flow of information across Government agencies. Allows services to be delivered electronically to the public. To provide network communication facilities for the implementation of pilot projects. Enables the Government agencies to concentrate on their core business with the support of the Electronic Government pilot applications. Information technology infrastructure development Signing of an agreement between the Government and GITN Sdn. Bhd., the infrastructure developer, to supply, deliver, install, test and commission Local Area Network infrastructure and facilities for relevant parcels in Putrajaya.
Government PoliciesSlide 5 Cutting Edge Technology The ICT revolution saw the introduction of various cutting edge technologies and applications in the public sector. These include sophisticated applications such as document imaging, Electronic Data Interchange, GIS and Magnetic Stripe/Smartcard. All of these portend new methods of operations that can lead to higher performance. Agencies such as the Immigration Department, National Registration Department, Road Transport Department, Registrar of Companies and Registrar of Businesses, among others, have successfully integrated IT systems and applications to upgrade the quality and service level of their outputs
Government PoliciesSlide 6 Multimedia and Communications Act 1998 Multimedia and Communications Commission of Malaysia Act They join a list of other cyber legislation that had been approved in 1997 in support of the nation's march into the era of ICT. They are the Copyright Act 1997, the Digital Signature Act 1997, the Computer Crime Act 1997 and the Telemedicine Act Cyberlaws In 1999, two new cyberlaws that had been enacted in 1998 came into force:
Government PoliciesSlide 7 Consultative and Dialogue Mechanisms To provide an effective forum to discuss issues of concern to both sectors. The preparations of the Government in achieving Y2K readiness, for example, figured prominently on the agenda of the meetings of the Committee. Dialogue sessions organised by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs as well as the Ministry of Housing and Local Government in 1999 enabled constructive discussion and clarification of various issues. Privatisation To help reduce the Government's expenditure, bring about savings in operational expenditure and generate additional revenue. Savings in terms of avoided expenditure for development projects, for example, amounted to RM123 billion since 1983 as a result of the privatisation of development projects. Public – Private Sector Cooperation
Government PoliciesSlide 8 The MS ISO 9000 programme: Involved 781 agencies on its third year of implementation in Premised on the principle of 'plan what you do, document what you plan, do what you document and prove it', Aimed at helping agencies develop an efficient and effective quality system. Agencies in the public sector are required to have at least one core process certified to the MS ISO 9000 standard by the end of In 1999, MAMPU provided consultancy services on ISO 9000 to 493 agencies. At the end of 1999, a total of 62 agencies have core processes that have been certified to the MS ISO 9000 standard. MS ISO 9000
Government PoliciesSlide 9 The Civil Service was able to maintain a focused approach to administrative improvements in the public sector in ensuring the momentum for change. In 1999, the Civil Service continued to actively support the various measures designed to lead the nation to full economic recovery. The success of these efforts certainly points to its capability and capacity for high performance. The modernisation agenda of the Civil Service as highlighted in this document places it on a firm footing in terms of technical competence and good governance as it prepares to move into the new millennium. Summary