Personnel Training for Industry with taking into account interdisciplinary within the National Program in Kazakhstan Bektemessov M.A., Rakisheva Z.B. al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty, Kazakhstan
NPIID-2 The National Program of Industrial and Innovative Development (NPIID) was elaborated by the government of RK At present the second stage of NPIID is carried out Main goals: Development of innovation sector Development of domestic production Development of higher education system 11 leading universities of RK take part in implementation of the Program 2
al-Farabi Kazakh National University ( Was established in 1934 Number of students – more than 18000, staff – faculties, bachelors – 64 specialties, master students – 86 specialties, PhD – 64 specialties 1 position in the National rating of universities of RK 275 position in the ranking QS (world universities ranking) In 2016 according to the rating of Webometrics (the best university’s websites) KazNU has the 1 position in Kazakhstan 3
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Profile master program – 1,5 year Specialty: 6М – Information systems Academic degree: Master of engineering and technologies Individual educational trajectories (IET): Information technologies of space monitoring systems (Department on Mechanics); Geo-Energies and information technologies for the effective development of deposits (Department on Mechanics) Mechanics of machines and manipulators, the development of intelligent robots (Department on Mechanics) Mathematical and computer modelling of technological processes (Department of Mathematical and Computer Modelling) Supercomputing technologies of the technological processes analysis (Department of Informatics); Automation and control of technological processes (Department of Information Systems)
UNIVERSITIES-PARTNERS: Information technologies of space monitoring systems Tokyo University, Japan University of Twente, Holland Berlin Technical University, Germany Geo-Energies and information technologies for the effective development of deposits Lorraine University, France University of Pierre and Marie Curie, France Mechanics of machines and manipulators, the development of intelligent robots University of Bridgeport, USA AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
UNIVERSITIES-PARTNERS: Mathematical and computer modelling of technological processes Binghamton University, USA University of Delaware, USA Supercomputing technologies of the technological processes analysis University of Stuttgart, Germany Automation and control of technological processes Lublin university of Technology, Poland Binghamton University, USA University of Porto, Portugal Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia ITMO University, Russia
CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT all IETs were developed with a help of universities-partners and have the positive expert assessment of the foreign and domestic partners IET Information technologies of space monitoring systems was based on curriculum, developed within implementation of the Tempus project SESREMO - Strengthening Education in Space-based REmote sensing for MOnitoring of eco systems in Israel, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan ( ). IET Geo-Energies and information technologies for the effective development of deposits was based on curriculum for two-diploma Master Program with Lorraine University, which had been realized from IET Mechanics of machines and manipulators, the development of intelligent robots was developed according to recommendations of the University of Bridgeport – the leading university in programs on robotics in USA IET Mathematical and computer modelling of technological processes was developed according to recommendations of the leading world universities in this area IET Supercomputing technologies of the technological processes analysis was developed according to recommendations of University of Stuttgart IET Automation and control of technological processes was developed according to recommendations of the employer - the leading organization in Kazakhstan - the developer of the automated process control system and within implementation of the Tempus project MEDIS, Tempus project PROMIS
8 Наименование модулей Наименование дисциплины (модулей) и вида деятельности Кол-во кредитов Семестр IIIIII 1. Базовые дисциплины (10 кредитов) 1.1. Обязательный компонент (5 кредитов ) Иностранный язык (профессиональный) Менеджмент Психология Компонент по выбору (5 кредитов ) Профессиональная математика Спутниковые коммуникации Профилирующие дисциплины (26 кредитов) 2.1. Обязательный компонент (3 кредита ) Проектирование приложений информационных систем Компонент по выбору – ИОТ (23 кредита ) Космические технологии для наблюдения Земли Прикладная микроэлектроника в космических средствах Прикладные науки о Земле и экологический менеджмент Методы обработки спутниковых данных Экологическое математическое моделирование Применение GEONETCast системы для мониторинга окружающей среды промышленных регионов Мониторинг состояния транспортных систем Мониторинг и управление природными ресурсами Планирование городов и управление строительством Практика (4 кредита)Производственная практика Экспериментально- исследовательская работа магистранта и выполнение диссертации (4 кредита) Семинар по экспериментально-исследовательской работе I 11 Семинар по экспериментально-исследовательской работе II 11 Семинар по экспериментально-исследовательской работе III Итоговая аттестация (4 кредита) Комплексный экзамен1 Х Защита диссертации3 Х Итого48 ИОТ : Информационные технологии систем космического мониторинга Большинство дисциплин введено в соответствии с реализацией проекта TEMPUS-SESREMO ( гг.) Strengthening Education in Space-based Remote sensing for Monitoring of eco systems in Israel, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan - Совершенствование образования в области дистанционного зондирования из космоса для мониторинга экологических систем в Израиле, Азербайджане, Казахстане
Принципы разработки программного обеспечения для нефтегазовых предприятий Целью данного курса является изучение основных принципов разработки программного обеспечения (ПО) для нефтегазовых предприятий. Задачей курса является – дать представление о понятии разработки ПО для нефтегазовых предприятий. В курсе рассматриваются основные характеристики ПО, анализ требовании для разработки ПО, тестирование и верификация ПО. Рассматриваются основные математические модели и численные методы, используемые при разработке ПО для нефтегазовых предприятий. Высокопроизводительные приложения для нефтегазовой отрасли Целью данного курса является изучение основных принципов проектирования и разработки высокопроизводительных приложений для нефтегазовой отрасли. Основная задача курса – дать представление об основных понятиях, принципах и подходах, используемых при проектировании и разработке высокопроизводительных систем. В курсе рассматриваются различия между высоконагруженными, высоконадежными и высокопроизводительными системами. Так же, в рамках курса рассматриваются основные примеры потери производительности программных систем. После этого даются основные пути борьбы за производительность системы. ИОТ : Суперкомпьютерные технологии анализа технологических процессов
ACTIVITIES ON ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Teaching: Teaching staff was prepared with including the specialists from the domestic enterprises More than 50 teachers of faculty had passed the training courses on the subjects from the developed curriculum at the foreign universities and domestic enterprises 2-4 subjects in the curriculum for every IET is read by the specialists from the foreign university or domestic enterprise Educational environment: KazNU had purchased: training literature approximately on USD software and equipment: MSC Software, Nastran, Patran, Adams, SolidWorks, ENVI, Comsol, ANSYS; SIEMENS 11 educational booths, equipped with microcontrollers LOGO, SIMATIC S7-1200, SIMATIC S with man-machine HMI interfaces, approximately on USD All the purchased equipment passed expertise of the foreign and domestic partners
DIFFICULTIES IN ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS (MAIN CHALLENGE) Ideal: Foreign University- partner Domestic enterprise University, implementing curriculum Reality: Foreign University- partner Domestic enterprise University, implementing curriculum
WEAK COLLABORATION WITH DOMESTIC ENTERPRISES IETNumbe r of grants Master students, having place for practice Till the end of 2015At present Information technologies of space monitoring systems 207 Geo-Energies and information technologies for the effective development of deposits 143 Mechanics of machines and manipulators, the development of intelligent robots 110 Almaty Engineering Solutions Mathematical and computer modelling of technological processes Supercomputing technologies of the technological processes analysis 305 Automation and control of technological processes 450
ACTIVITIES ON DEVELOPMENT OF COLLABORATION WITH THE DOMESTIC ENTERPRISES More active involvement of the specialists to the teaching process: Invitation for lectures reading Permanent revision of curriculum with the goal of including the subjects, which are required to enterprise Theme of master thesis should be given by the enterprise but with the necessary balance between the interests of both sides Organization of the joint departments It is very simple in theory, but no so easy in practice.
One of the very significant results is the cooperation with the “Park of Innovation Technologies Alatau“. Half year of periodic meetings with the leadership of this free economic zone led to organization the First workshop "Training of the ICT specialists for GPIIR-2 enterprises" with participation of experts from the foreign partner universities (2-3 June 2016). The seminar covered the issues of master students training, the further actions to strengthen the links between universities and enterprises, determination of the new bases of traineeship for master students. It was decided to organize similar seminars annually. ACTIVITIES ON DEVELOPMENT OF COLLABORATION WITH THE DOMESTIC ENTERPRISES 14
Thank you for attention! 15