You will hear many things as you are starting your college search. Many of these things will be myths. Some of these myths are based on some fact, while others are completely false.
Myth #1: There is one true college for me.
There will be numerous colleges that may be a right fit for you. There are over 3,300 colleges and universities from which you may choose. There may be a TYPE of college that is more suited to your needs. Exploration of colleges will lead to several colleges that will be a good fit for you.
Myth #2: I need to decide on a career or major before I can choose a college.
The Department of Labor predicts that people entering the workforce today will hold jobs during their working years AND will switch careers 4 times!! 25%-50% of college freshman will change their major at least once in their first year (usually this change will not effect graduation). Colleges want you to have a major in mind by the end of your sophomore year of college. Colleges have staff that will help you find your major.
It is a good idea to use resources to explore those options now. There are helpful websites in the senior packet that you will receive at your senior meeting with your school counselor.
Myth #3: We can only afford a low-priced college.
Many private colleges and out-of-state schools will work hard to attract students from all income levels and different areas of the country by offering significant amounts of financial aid. Example 1: Davidson College is committed to covering all financial need for admitted students. Example 2: All admitted students to Berea College receive the Tuition Promise Scholarship- -100% of tuition costs for four years of enrollment and a laptop!
It could be helpful to call the university’s Financial Aid Office to speak with them about the financial concerns that you may have and whether there may be other financial options that could be available—especially at private schools. It is in your best interest to establish a relationship with the college admissions counselors as well as financial aid counselors so that they can advocate for you.
You will receive the HOPE Scholarship if you have a 3.0 Grade Point Average OR a 21 on the ACT. It is accepted at TN public schools and many private TN schools. The award is $3,500 for the Freshman and Sophomore years of college and $4,500 for the Junior and Senior years of college.
Grants give you money for college that does not have to be repaid. Most grants are need-based and are awarded by the government. The Federal Pell Grant can be up to $5,730 TN Student Assistance Award (TSAA) -$4,000 TN Private, 4 year -$2,000 TN Public, 4 year Grants are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. Eligibility is determined by the FAFSA, so complete your FAFSA as soon as possible in January.
Myth #4: I’ve never heard of this college, so it can’t be any good.
With over 3,300 colleges and universities at your fingertips, there are many schools that you may never have heard of that are perfect for you. Exploration is the key to being well-informed in your decision.
Myth #4: Well, maybe I’ll think about college someday, but I don’t really need it.
Hard work and perseverance are no longer all you need to get a good job. A high school education is no longer enough to obtain a good job. “The New York Times says that college graduates who used to earn 30% more than high school graduates now earn 60 % more.” (Financial affairs writer of The Washington Post). Some people estimate it is as high as 74%.
Many company executives indicate that the future of their industries and other trades will lie in the hands of the college educated. TN is implementing the “Drive to 55” Initiative ◦ By 2025, 55% of TN jobs will require post- secondary education. ◦ With only 32% of our current workforce holding at least a 2 year degree, we are not on target to staff the TN workforce needs.
Unemployment rates are lower for those holding college degrees. According to 2013 data: ◦ 29.2% unemployed for those not completing high school ◦ 17.5% unemployed for those with a high school diploma only ◦ 12.2% unemployed for those with some college education ◦ 7% unemployed for those with at least a bachelor’s degree
Complete the “Choosing your College Priorities” handout