ONLINE RESOURCE 1 Isolation and characterization of soil Streptomyces species as potential biological control agents against fungal plant pathogens. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Zahaed Evangelista-Martínez Affiliation and mailing address: Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C. Unidad Sureste, Yucatán, México.
CACIS-1.4CACACIS-1.5CACACIS-1.16CACACIS-2.17CACACIS-2.19CACACIS-2.52CA Carbon Source a GbGb ScSc GSGSGSGS GS None D-glucose Sucrose L-xylose D-xylose Maltose D-arabinose D-lactose D-raffinose D-cellobiose D-fructose L-rhamnose Manitol Myo-inositol Glycerol Online Resource 1 Biochemical characterization of Streptomyces strains. a ISP9 agar medium supplemented with 1% (w/v) of carbon source. b G, growth of substrate mycelium and c S, sporulation process. Black and grey shades indicate:, positive utilization with vigorous development of mycelium substrate or vigorous spore formation, positive utilization with little development of mycelium substrate or weak spore formation, negative utilization and no development of mycelium substrate or no spore formation
The strains developed substrate mycelia on all the carbon sources, except CACIS-2.17CA. The sporulation process was weak or absent in strains CACIS-1.4CA, CACIS-1.5CA, CACIS-2.52CA and CACIS-2.17CA, and vigorous in CACIS-1.16CA and CACIS-2.19CA. Based on the morphological, biochemical, physiological data, and the characteristic earthy odor of the isolates, strains were presumptively identified as members of the genus Streptomyces.