Physical or Chemical?
Physical or Chemical? Physical Chemical huevos de craqueo mashmallows asar
Physical or Chemical? Physical Chemical cristales rotos encender un fósforo
digestión de los alimentos Physical or Chemical? Chemical Physical digestión de los alimentos cortar el césped
Physical or Chemical? Chemical Chemical fuegos artificiales hornear un pastel
Physical or Chemical? Physical Chemical fusión del hielo clavos oxidados
Physical or Chemical? Chemical Chemical
WHY? Frying an egg= it denatures the protein in the egg – the reaction is NOT reversible Toast= the bread turns brown & the texture changes, and odor is produced
Physical or Chemical? Physical Physical agua hirviendo limonada fresca
WHY? Fresh lemonade= it would be a physical change because the sugars are still comprised in the same way just now its extracted liquids.
Physical or Chemical? PHYSICAL CHANGE CHEMICAL CHANGE Change in which the appearance of a substance changes, but chemically the substance is the same Ex: Phase changes in water Melting BoilingEvaporating Atoms DO NOT rearrange Only physical properties change When matter is changed from one type of matter into another type, that has different properties. Atoms ARE rearranged BOTH physical and chemical properties are changed