Micro-expressions are very brief facial expressions, lasting only a fraction of a second. They occur when a person either deliberately or unconsciously conceals a feeling. Seven emotions have universal signals: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, contempt, surprise and happiness.
The 7 Universal Micro-expressions
7: Contempt
Micro-expressions Paul Elkman created the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), which is a common standard to systematically categorize the physical expression of emotions, and it has proven useful to psychologists and to animators. Elkman believed that facial expressions are universal rather than culturally determined
Ekman’s extended list of Micro-Expressions Amusement Contempt Embarrassment Excitement Guilt Pride Relief Satisfaction Pleasure Shame
Facial Communication Facial expressions are a universal language ▫These 7 Micro-expressions are used, universally ▫Those who are blind from birth also use these micro-expressions, even though they have never seen them being used! The Face communicates our most basic emotions ▫Serves us well in our ability to survive (When we are in need of help, our sadness or fear will show through to others as a signal for our need)
Facial Communication cont. The face is involuntarily triggered by emotion- intense situations ▫Facial expressions are connected to our Automatic Neuro-System (ANS), so when we feel an intense emotion, our feeling will involuntarily leak through our face ▫ This tendency can be consciously controlled to a certain degree (poker players, con-artists), but even the best of liars have been caught giving their true feelings away though Micro-expressions and body language.
Why does this matter to me?! When presenting, your facial expressions give away A LOT about you. Whether consciously or subconsciously, your audience is garnering a majority of your message from your non-verbal communication, and Micro-expressions are one form of non-verbal expression that we use Are your Micro-expressions congruent with what you are verbally saying?
Congruent vs. Incongruent