The Renaissance Visual Art & Architecture
What does Renaissance mean? Rebirth It was the rebirth of cultural awareness. It began in Italy & spread across Europe.
When did this happen? After the Medieval Period 15 th & 16 th centuries
The Renaissance prompted inventions New freedom of thought and creativity. This had been suppressed in the Middle ages. Do you know who this is??? Michelangelo – We’ll talk about him later!
What was the impact of all this creativity? There was a heightened interest in: – Ancient Greek & Roman art –Human beings –The environment –Science –Philosophy
Advances in Architecture
Dome: Rounded, usually hemispherical, vault forming a roof. Emergence of DOMES!
Basilica de Santa Maria Florence, Italy Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica Rome, Italy
Another architectural emergence: Atrium: The inner court of a Roman house – it is open to the sky. –Also includes the enclosed courtyard in front of the main doors of a basilica or church.
Atriums today…. Usually covered by a glass roof.
Renaissance Visual Art Artists began to study nature. Thus, they painted with more realism. Birth of Venus - Botticelli, 1482
Renaissance Visual Art Subjects portrayed more lifelike. Artists developed methods for creating the illusion of depth and distance.
Leonardo da Vinci A GENIUS! Science Visual art Engineering Mathematics The Original Renaissance Man!
Of course, he painted the Mona Lisa!
As a scientist Filled pages of his Notebooks with thousands of sketches and designs. He was fascinated with the movement of water, motions of birds, circulation of blood, etc…
Leonardo kept notebooks throughout his life, in which he wrote daily, often in a private "backwards" or mirror-image handwriting.
The Codex Leicester - the only major scientific work of Leonardo's in private hands. It was purchased by Bill Gates in 1995 for $30.8 million.
As an engineer & mathematician, he believed that machines were more reliable than men! He outlined versions of modern technology such as tanks, submarines, and airplanes. They were perfectly designed but lacked the means of propulsion.
As a Painter One of the greatest painters to ever live! He defended painting as the highest art & that it permitted unlimited range to the artist’s imagination. If the painter wishes to see enchanting beauties, he has the power to produce them.
2 huge artistic contributions … Pioneered the technique of sfumato: –The technique of blurring outlines of shapes to give a softer appearance.
Chiaroscuro A method for applying value to a two- dimensional piece of artwork to create the illusion of a three-dimensional solid form.
Modern Chiaroscur o
The Virgin and Child with St. Anne and St. John the Baptist 1499–1500 Can you see the sfumato?
The Adoration of the Magi, ” × 96” Note the perspective and sfumato.
Last but not least! 14’ X 28’ 10 2/2”
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free“ ~Michelangelo
Michelangelo Real name: Michelangelo Buonarroti Michelangelo Buonarroti Spanned the following disciplines:Spanned the following disciplines: –Painting –Sculpture –Architecture –Poetry
Michelangelo famous for painting frescos Fresco: a mural created with watercolors on wet plaster. Creation of Adam Sistine Chapel
famou s His most famou s fresco: The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
Michelangelo’s paintings were lifelike and realistic ! He also preferred using dark colors.
The Sistine Chapel 4 years to complete Covers 10,000 square feet 343 characters The story of creation & redemption of man
The Pieta Jesus on Mary’s lap after the crucifixion 68.5” × 76.8”
The Crucifixion of St. Peter Michelangelo, in × 261 in
Michelangelo’s David 17 feet tall Created from 1501 to 1504
Replicas of David !