Planning for OEYCFC’s in Toronto June
Welcome! Opportunity Challenges
Purpose of today Start the conversation Take stock of what we do and do not know. How to engage the sector in designing OEYCFCs
Introductions Name and agency Current relationships with family support sector Name one thing that worries you or that is on your mind
What is systems building?
Transfer of governance to MEDU Common mandate and identity Core set of expectations and outcomes Strong partnerships with service providers The vision
What we know Toronto Children’s Services = Service System Manager Implemented by 2018 Local needs assessment (Complete by Spring 2017) Engagement with caregivers, and community partners Integrate into local service system plans Transfer of DAC funding
Information to come Service Guidelines (Summer 2016) New funding approach and allocations (2017) Outcome measurement and accountability strategy
Timeline Feb. 27 / MEDU announces plan Summer / Guidelines released; Local needs assessment Fall / Update to City Council Jan. 1 / Transfer of DAC funding & responsibilities to CSMS Spring / Submit needs assessment & service plan New funding approach released Implementation of OEYCFC’s June 1 / First conversation 2018 We Are Here = Conduct needs assessments
2016 Process Design Phase Design a process for engagement, focus on key decision- points and who should be engaged. Engagement Phase Gather info through needs assessment and engagement, focus on setting criteria that will help us make decisions. Planning Phase Narrow options and prioritize, focus the criteria set in earlier phases We Are Here
Building on our work Sites of Practice Toronto Child & Family Network Symposium (Feb. 2015) Service Plan Child & Family Outcomes
Outcomes Indigenous Outcomes
Program Locator 332 Programs 211 Better Beginnings Brighter Futures CAP-C/CNCP Family Resource OEYC + satellites Parent Family Literacy Centres Success by 6
Discussion Question 1 How do we move forward in planning OEYCFCs? Things to consider: What structures do we need? How will we use the results from the needs assessment? What are some decision- points?
Discussion Question 2 How do we engage everyone in the planning process? Things to Consider: Who should be at the table? How do we engage other sectors (child care, early intervention, etc.)? How do we engage parents / caregivers?
Reflections & Next steps