$1 Billion Back, Again! 1.BWC will discuss giving employers’ 60% of their premiums paid the last half of 2012 and first half of Payout October Example- Premiums were $100K, you will get $60K back in the form of a check. 2.Advanced research to practice safety and health in the workplace. $2 million 3.Safety Grants increased from $5 million to $15 million for 2013,2014 and 2015, this would extend the commitment until Expansion of Safety Council to include Health and Wellness. 5.Firefighter Safety Training $1 million 6.Development of safety curricula and funding for skilled labor training programs- $1 million BWC Updates! Make sure you include this in your budget planning for 2015!
More BWC Updates How Does Prospective Payment Impact Private Employers? 8 Month Credit July 2015 –Credit will cover January August 2015 Premiums Claims Calendar -moves to enrollment year vs. calendar year last 6 months of 2010 will not fall off in 2015/2016 Handicap Submission –CHP-4A must be submitted 6/30 Settlement Submission - C240’s must be submitted by 7/15 for the new snapshot Payment Frequency - monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual options Snap Shot - Will be taken on 9/30 Group Rating Deadline – 9/24/2014 Group Retro Deadline - Last Business Day in January Destination: Excellence Enrollment Deadline Last Business Day in May “Having the option to pay my Ohio Workers’ Comp bill monthly will really help my cash flow.” WARM
GET READY! 1.Create your process –example: a flow chart… CHEAT! 1.Create file of forms –FROI, witness statement, directions to medical facilities, injury packet from MCO etc. 2.Form a relationship with a preferred Occupational Medical Provider. 3.Formalize: –transitional work - job descriptions –drug free safety programs –$15K Program THE ULTIMATE 1 X 4 PERFORMANCE Make sure you include this in your budget planning for 2015!
The Ride Begins! 1.First Report of Injury (FROI) completed immediately –for severe injuries use a video-graphic FROI. –Be sure your handbook addresses when claims must be reported. 2.C-101 & a list of doctors in last five years signed by IW 3.Get Witness Statements, NON- witness statements & supervisors statements/investigation –Use the five senses!!!!!! 4.Send to Occupational Med Facility –Obviously only if possible THE ULTIMATE 2 X 4 PERFORMANCE Make sure you include this in your budget planning for 2015!
Assess the Situation 1.Get the RTW (MEDCO14) –Make sure Doctor has your Job Descriptions 2.Start thinking about TEL vs. TML –15k, wage continuation, light duty etc.? 3.TPA conversation of overall situation & STRATEGY (Make ‘em work!) 4.COMMUNICATE with the Employee –Employees are your biggest assets –#1 way to avoid attorneys –Workers’ Comp is HIPPA exempt THE ULTIMATE 3 X 4 PERFORMANCE Make sure you include this in your budget planning for 2015!
The Ride is Never Over 1.Look for handicap reimbursements, past workers’ comp claims, and red flags for fraud/abuse. 2.If you have a lost time claim evaluate paying salary continuation, make sure you meet with the injured worker in person on a regularly scheduled basis. Talk about expectations, return to work 3. Keep an eye on Reserves. Your TPA should be discussing possible STRATEGIES & settlements 4.If the claim goes to hearing, evaluate workers’ comp attorney vs. hearing rep. –Prehearing conference!!! THE ULTIMATE 4 X 4 PERFORMANCE Make sure you include this in your budget planning for 2015!
TEL vs. TML TEL (Total Expected Losses) Budget Medical, Wages, Reserves, Settlements Etc. TML (Total Modified Losses) Spent Medical, Wages, Reserves, Settlements Etc.
TEL vs. TML TEL (Total Expected Losses) Budget Medical, Wages, Reserves, Settlements Etc. TML (Total Modified Losses) Spent Medical, Wages, Reserves, Settlements Etc.