NTAP Overview NTAP Overview (NTMA Tri-State Apprenticeship Program) Tapping into Great Careers in Manufacturing
Who We Are: John Shegda ◦ President, NTMA (National Tooling and Machining Association) Philadelphia/Greater Delaware Valley Chapter (SPONSOR OF NTAP) ◦ Board Member, Manufacturing Alliance Bucks/Montgomery Counties ◦ Board Member (former) MontcoWorks (WDB) ◦ Owner/CEO M&S Centerless Grinding, Inc and Meron Medical, LLC Clara Console ◦ Owner/CEO and Chief Career Coach Choice Careers, LLC (THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR) ◦ 25+ years in Delaware Valley region workforce and economic development
What Is A Registered Apprenticeship Program? Flexible, competency-based training system that combines job related technical instruction with structured on-the-job learning from an assigned mentor A written plan (Standards) designed to move an apprentice from a low or no skill entry-level position to full occupational proficiency. Administered by the Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship (State) Opportunity for workers seeking high-skilled, high-paying jobs and for employers seeking to build a qualified workforce, participants receive incremental wage increases and leads to a portable industry issued, nationally recognized credential that certifies occupational proficiency
Benefits of An Apprenticeship Program For the Apprentice: ◦ Improved skills and competencies that meet the specific needs of the employer ◦ Incremental wage increases as their skills improve ◦ On-the-job training and occupation focused education ◦ Career advancement ◦ Industry issued, nationally recognized credentials ◦ Articulation agreements between certain apprenticeship training programs and 2- and 4-year colleges that create opportunities for college credit and future degrees
Benefits of An Apprenticeship Program For the Employer: Customized training that results in highly skilled employees trained to industry/employer specifications Increased productivity and knowledge transfer due to on-the-job learning from an assigned mentor combined with related technical instruction Enhanced retention 87 percent of program completers in 2011 were still employed nine months after completing their apprenticeship Emphasis on safety training that may reduce workers' compensation costs A stable and predictable pipeline for the development of qualified workers
Benefits of An Apprenticeship Program For the Employer: (cont.) Recognition of the training program A systematic approach to training that ensures that employees are trained and certified to produce at the highest skill levels required for that occupation The ability to conduct a ready assessment of where the employer and employee are in terms of the continuous improvement process A proven training model that allows employers to set the benchmark and the structure that can determine the Return on Investment in training dollars
N TMA T ri-State A pprenticeship P rogram Regional State-registered Competency-based training program (credit for prior learning available) Centrally-sponsored by the National Tooling and Machining Association (companies do not need to apply individually) Administered by Choice Careers LLC For manufacturing companies with precision machining occupations in the following counties: PA (Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester, Philadelphia, Berks) South Jersey (Camden, Burlington, Gloucester) DE (New Castle/Wilmington) Pipeline Programs to be replicated throughout region using Bucks’ Metal Works as template What Is the NTAP Program?
The Standards of Apprenticeship application being developed to request approval from the State of PA for the following occupations: ◦ Machinist (PILOT PROGRAM) ◦ CNC Programmer and Setup Milling and Turning ◦ Machine Operator I ◦ Tool and Die Maker ◦ Model Makers, Metal and Plastic Starts Fall of 2016 (mid September) Two educational facilities: Delaware County Community College and one in Bucks County NTAP Pilot Program Update
Next Steps for NTAP Summer 2016 Complete application and request approval from State/PA Summer 2016 Confirm pilot program curriculum and schedule with DCCC and BCCC Select apprentices from participant companies Complete registration packet for each company/apprentice Enter apprentices into apprenticeship management databases (NTAP and RAPIDS) Train mentors and apprentices on how to enter hours, etc Start training in September Evaluate after first “semester” of classes – December and January