Members of the 'Telecentre Networks Association'
Telecentre Networks Association 17 Telecentres networks 8000 telecentres (80% in rural areas) 3.5 millions attendants Gross Value Added for its territory: 1.80€ per 1€ invested More than direct employments (70% in places under 10,000 inhabitants) Services are focused on people at risk of exclusion 90% of telecentres activities for people aged 50 or above
PROPOSAL OF OPEN INNOVATION AND INNOVATION IN SOCIAL TELECENTRES RED GUADALINFO Methodology for experimentation, co-creation with real and virtual users in rural environments. Laboratory of ideas, sharing information and knowledge for Social Innovation Projects Main Objectives : Attracting talent and excellence in relation to ICTs. Promotion of Social Innovation Projects Exchange of good practices using the Network for employability and generation of “start-ups” Direct transfer of knowledge (users and SMEs). Guadalinfo in figures users in Andalucía 700 innovative projects developed, involving more than: 852 businesses, 1475 public organisations, 2295 local associations 60% of Andalucian villages are involved in these projects Guadalinfo is the Andalusian Network of +800 telecentres in areas at risk of digital exclusion and the Social network of those who believe that people´s ideas can transform society.
Accreditation on ICT skills Xarxa Punt TIC – Main objectives: Promote digital capacitation on citizens to achieve an inclusive, dynamic and competitive Knowledge Society by ensuring efficient ICT usage in every personal, economic or social activity. Indicators: ● 3 levels of accreditations in 8 different competences ● More than tests ● More than people aging from sixteen currently certified ● 336 different centres for taking the test (50% telecentres) Accreditation in Information and Communication Technologies Skills. It is an instrument for citizens to officially prove to public administrations, private companies and educational institutions its skills on ICTs.
Connecta't XARXA PUNT TIC - Main Objective: ● A cquire basic computing skills ● Create and use a text document ● Create and use an account, surf on the Internet ● Develop a curriculum vitae and a cover letter ● Perform a job search using Internet job sites. Indicators: ➢ 591 courses taught ➢ students ➢ persons transferred from labor offices ➢ certificates issued Literacy Programme for unemployed to acquire basic digital competences to improve their work search process (promoted by the Employment Service and the Department of Telecommunication and Infomation Society) offered at some catalonian telecentres (Xarxa Punt TIC). Module A: computing environment (15 hours) - Module B: skills for the job search (10 hours)
Technology Tools for Employment New Knowledge Centres (Popular Universities Association of Extremadura (AUPEX)) Main Objective: To train the unemployed, workers and employers in the management of the technological tools available on the Web for job seeking or job improvement. Indicators: (From January 1st to September 21st, 2011) ● training actions. ● participants. Training activities aimed at unemployed people and workers who want to know and learn how to use new technological tools to search or improve their employments.
Mundolibre.TV New Knowledge Centres (Popular Universities Association of Extremadura (AUPEX)) Main Objective: To create a communication tool specialized in employment, vocational guidance and entrepreneurship, that eliminates space- time barriers. Indicators: (From January 1st to September 21st, 2011) 155 actions. “Mundolibre” is a communication platform for employment and entrepreneurship developed by the Digital Literacy Plan and Free Software of Extremadura (PAT). Combines 3 online audiovisual media: TV, radio and video-streaming.
Digital Response to SMEs Navarra's Government – Dedalo Foundation Regional plan to support companies for the incorporation of their businesses to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Main Objetives: 1.- ICT information, training and support for SMEs. 2.- Promote the presence of companies on the Internet, empowering the commercial transactions or business networking (SMEs + self-employers). 3.- Improve training of beneficiaries and ICT sector competitiveness. Indicators in Navarra: Trainining: +100 activities People trained: +600 Activities: Dissemination and communication campaigns. Advisory Service on ICTs for SMEs and Self Employed. Courses and Workshops.
Employability and ICT in Castilla y León Main Objetive: Help job seekers by enhancing their employment prospects through an alternative approach to learning: an ICT-based, user- centred approach aimed at resolving difficulties in a personalized way. Also the project has been enriched in other line of work using a virtual community platform that allows direct and steady communication between job seekers and employment counsellors. Indicators : (from 2008 to nowadays) +200 training actions people trained +100 employment counsellors were trained to provide key competences on ICT to the unemployed Promote the access to the Information & Knowledge Society for all the citizens of Castilla y Leon
Thank you very much for your attention Telecentre Networks Association