Asia Lesson 1: South Asia
Vocabulary to Know ▪ Jati: In traditional Hindu society, a social group that defines a family’s occupation and social standing. ▪ Megalopolis: a “great city” that is made up of several large and small cities. ▪ Dharma: In Hinduism, a person’s moral duty, based on class distinctions, which guides his or her life. ▪ Reincarnation: Rebirth into new bodies or forms of life. ▪ Karma: In Hindu belief, the sum of good and bad in one’s present and past lives.
Vocabulary to know ▪ Mercantilism: The theory or practice of merchant and trading pursuits. ▪ Imperialism: The actions by which one nation is able to control other, usually smaller or weaker, nations. ▪ Raj: Hindi word for “empire” ▪ Guru: A teacher or spiritual guide. ▪ Total Fertility Rate: The average number of children a women has in her life time. ▪ Sikh: religious group that incorporates elements of Hinduism and Islam.
Vocabulary to know Lama: Buddhist religious leader Mantra: in Hinduism, a sacred word or phrase that is repeated in prayers and chants. Stupa: a dome-shaped structure that serves as a Buddhist shrine. Dzong: a fortified monastery of Bhutan, South Asia.
A.India Important Geographical Features B.New Delhi C.Pakistan D.Islamabad E.Nepal F.Kathmandu G.Bangladesh H.Bhutan I.Sri Lanka J. Maldives F F G G H IJ
Population Patterns Population density, as well as urbanization, continue to shape India’s population patterns. Population movement and population growth have had profound impacts on Pakistan and Bangladesh. The mountainous and island cultures of South Asia also reveal differences among peoples throughout the sub region. The People: Many Indians identify themselves by their religion. Pakistan-Punjabis, Sindhis, Pashtuns, Mohajirs, Baluchis Bangladesh- Bengali Nepal- Indo-Nepalese and Tibeto-Nepalese Bhutan- Bhote Peoples Maldives-mix of people from southern India, Sri Lanka, East Africa, and Arab countries Sri Lanka- Buddhist Sinhalese and Hindu Tamils
Population Patterns Density and Distribution: India’s average population density is about 7 times the world average. Most of India’s population is rural. India’s cities are among the world’s most densely populated. Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in South Asia. Pakistan is South Asia’s most urbanized country. In southern Bhutan and Nepal, average population densities vary greatly. To the north, however, population decreases as elevation increases. Sri Lanka has over 800 people per square mile. The Maldives are packed with over 2,000 people per square mile.
Government and History India’s ancient history continues to influence it’s population today. Similarities and differences have driven the histories of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Internal and external influences have determined much of the histories of Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Maldives. First Civilizations: Indo-Aryan- The first people to have settled in India during Paleolithic times. Indus Valley Civilization- A Bronze age civilization (3300BC-1700BC) extending from today’s Pakistan NW India to NE Afghanistan. India’s Key Religions: Hinduism Buddhism
Government and History Invasions and Empires: Mauryan Empire Gupta Empire Mongul Empire European Invasion Gandhi Led India’s Fight for Independence- one that ended in freedom in 1947.
Government and History Achievements of the Indus Valley Civilization: Writing System Strong Central Government Thriving Overseas Trade First Cities Islam has played an important role in both Pakistan and Bangladesh since the eighth century. Conflicts and Government: India and Pakistan have been fighting over Kashmir for decades. East Pakistan vs. West Pakistan created the formation of Bangladesh. Stable rule has been difficult in both countries.
Government and History Early History: Nepal-Licchavi dynasty, Shah dynasty, Anglo-Nepalese Wars ( ) Bhutan-Tibetan Buddhism (A.D. 800) Sri Lanka- Sinhalese (500 B.C.) Maldives- Buddhist settlers, Islam (1100s), Portuguese (1400s) Toward Modern Times: Bhutan- Currently evolving into a constitutional monarchy with a representative government. Nepal-the country’s ruling party and rebel groups are discussing peace.
South Asian Culture India’s people share an amazingly diverse culture rooted in religious traditions. Although the people of Pakistan and Bangladesh share cultural similarities, there are also distinct differences between them. Great variety exist among the cultures of Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Maldives. Education- Children must attend school for 9 years. Health Care- The state-run hospital system has improved but is very Poor in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Language- o India- Hindi o Bangladesh- Bangla o Pakistan- Punjabi o Nepal- NepaliSri o Lanka- Sinhalese and Tamil o Maldives- Dhivehi o Bhutan- Dzongka
South Asian Culture Religion- Most people are Hindus in India and Nepal. Islam is the main religion in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Maldives. Bhutan and Sri Lanka mainly practice Buddhism The Arts- Epic Poems, Dance, Bollywood Family Life- Extended families live together, Arranged Marriages