Study of microscopic complex potentials for nuclear scattering reaction Takenori Furumoto (Ichinoseki National College of Technology) YIPQS International.


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Presentation transcript:

Study of microscopic complex potentials for nuclear scattering reaction Takenori Furumoto (Ichinoseki National College of Technology) YIPQS International Molecule on Coexistence of weak and strong binding in unstable nuclei and its dynamics (Mar. 4-22th, Collaborators Y. Sakuragi (Osaka City Univ.) Y. Yamamoto (RIKEN)

Contents 1.Microscopic complex nucleus-nucleus (AA) potential - based on the double folding model (DFM) with complex G-matrix (CEG07) interaction 2. Application of the microscopic complex potential model to the high-energy region 3. Application of the microscopic complex potential model to the coupled channel calculation 4. Summary

R r1r1 r2r2 v NN (s) ProjectileTarget Double-Folding Model (DFM) nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction nucleon density

R r1r1 r2r2 v NN (s) Projectile(1) Target(2) Double-Folding Model (DFM) with complex G-matrix interaction T. Furumoto, Y. Sakuragi and Y. Yamamoto, (Phys. Rev. C.79 (2009) (R)), ibid. 80 (2009) ) Folding model potential Interaction CEG07 (complex G-matrix interaction) CEG07a (w/o TBF) CEG07b (with TBF) Incompressibility K (at k F = 1.35 fm -1 ) 259 MeV (with TBF) 106 MeV (w/o TBF)

Heavy-ion elastic scattering T. Furumoto, Y. Sakuragi and Y. Yamamoto, (Phys. Rev. C.79 (2009) (R)), ibid. 80 (2009) )

Application of the microscopic complex potential model to the high energy region to the high energy region

12 C + 12 C folding model potential at various energies becomes large becomes repulsive prediction of repulsive potential T. Furumoto, Y. Sakuragi and Y. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. C82, (2010)

About repulsive potential In general, nuclear interaction is attractive. By several reasons, nuclear interaction becomes repulsive medium effect (Pauli principle, three-body force) energy dependence The repulsive potential is obtained in the high-energy region. Examples Dirac phenomenology (p-A, d-A) microscopic approach (p-A) phenomenological optical model analysis (α-A) L.G.Arnold, (Phys.Rev.C25(1982)936 L.Rikus, K.Nakano, H.V.V.Geramb, (Nucl.Phys.A414 (1984) 413 L.Rikus, H.V.V.Geramb, (Nucl.Phys.A426 (1984) 496 N.V.Sen, (Nucl.Phys.A464 (1987) 717

12 C + 12 C elastic scattering at various energies becomes large becomes repulsive prediction of repulsive potential T. Furumoto, Y. Sakuragi and Y. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. C82, (2010)

(a) Attractive potential (V < 0) nearside farside scattering angle scattering wave potential The cross section by semi-classical schematic representation classical trajectory N F

(b) Repulsive potential (V > 0) scattering angle scattering wave classical trajectory potential nearside farside The cross section by semi-classical schematic representation N F

MeV/u The strong interference appears. T. Furumoto, Y. Sakuragi and Y. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. C82, (2010) Prediction of repulsive potential for Heavy-ion High-energy scattering

Application of the microscopic complex potential model to the coupled channel calculation to the coupled channel calculation

Microscopic Coupled Channel (MCC) with CEG07 Coupled Channel equation The diagonal and coupling potentials are derived from microscopic view point. Transition density R r1r1 r2r2 v NN (s) Projectile Target transition density CEG07

Channel Coupling Effect on high-energy heavy-ion elastic scatterings 1. Backward cross section comes down 2. Diffraction pattern goes backward The coupling effect is clearly seen! T. Furumoto and Y. Sakuragi, Phys. Rev. C87, (2013)

Dynamical Polarization Potential (DPP) Coupled Channel equation Coupling effect is described as potential form Dynamical Polarization Potential (DPP) By partial wave expansion

Dynamical Polarization Potential (DPP) Coupling potential (0 1 → 2 1 ) Repulsive Attractive T. Furumoto and Y. Sakuragi, Phys. Rev. C87, (2013)

Dynamical Polarization Potential (DPP) for high-energy heavy-ion systems Repulsive Attractive Coupling potential (0 1 → 2 1 ) T. Furumoto and Y. Sakuragi, Phys. Rev. C87, (2013)

Role of Dynamical Polarization Potential (DPP) in the elastic cross section (a) attractive potential (V 0 ) Scattering angle: θ (a) Potential Range F N Real part Elastic cross section log σ(θ) 0 T. Furumoto and Y. Sakuragi, Phys. Rev. C87, (2013)

Role of Dynamical Polarization Potential (DPP) in the elastic cross section (b) repulsive potential (V > 0 ) + attractive DPP ( △ V < 0 ) Potential Range N F Real partElastic cross section Scattering angle: θ log σ(θ) 0 (b) T. Furumoto and Y. Sakuragi, Phys. Rev. C87, (2013)

Channel Coupling Effect on high-energy heavy-ion elastic scatterings The channel coupling effect looks very similar to each other The origin of the effect - very different from each other T. Furumoto and Y. Sakuragi, Phys. Rev. C87, (2013) But!

Role of imaginary part of coupling potential Coupling potential (0 1 → 2 1 ) T. Furumoto and Y. Sakuragi, Phys. Rev. C87, (2013)

Role of imaginary part of coupling potential T. Furumoto and Y. Sakuragi, Phys. Rev. C87, (2013) Coupling potential (0 1 → 2 1 )

Summary Microscopic complex potential - constructed with the complex G-matrix (CEG07) interaction. - reproduce the experimental data for various systems. Repulsive potential in the high-energy region - predicted in the G-matrix folding model. - gives the characteristic angular distribution. Channel coupling effect and Role of imaginary coupling potential - clearly seen in the elastic cross section, although the incident energy is high enough. - the imaginary part plays dominant role in inelastic scattering in high energy region ( MeV/u).