IPDA Planning
Topics Endorsements Administration Projects Next Meeting Other Topics
SPICE Do we need to change anything for SPICE endorsement? No, the current endorsement is sufficient.
PDS4 IPDA Endorsement The IPDA after conducting a series of reviews and prototypes using early releases of the PDS4 data standards during the year endorses the use of the PDS4 data standards within the IPDA member agencies for future missions. It also recommends the incorporation of the IPDA findings into the next release of the PDS4 data standards currently scheduled for September The IPDA recognizes that existing missions, designed under the PDS3 data standards, will continue to operate with the PDS3 data standards. Approved July 13, 2012
Administration How do we best move projects along? – Link projects to our funding Regular telecons? – Possibly every two months; need to define schedule w/ focus of each (e.g., project implementation, progress, etc) – Skype type video conference (but blocked by some); EVO; WebEx – Time ideas: Japan (+9); India (+5.5); Spain (+1); Wash U (-6); JPL (-8) – Possible alternate times – Bi-monthly project telecons and atleast one SC mid term telecon Mid Term Check up with report to Steering Committee? Continued and more use of – and ipda-
Projects Project Areas – PDS4 – PDAP – Registries and Search – Geometry – Tool Sharing – Web Site
PDS4 Proposal to focus on Implementation Projects for PDS4 – Bepi Columbo – CNES/Atmosphere? How do we best structure – One project – Project Leader: Dave – Deputy Leader: Alain
PDAP PDAP Super Project with sub-projects? – Key project: Deliver PDAP core spec to SC (Jesus) Target: deliver to SC for discussion at mid-term – 2 nd Project: PDAP and Planetary Query Language Unification (Steve) Goals – Deliver a skinny version of PDAP ASAP – Clearly delineate the skinny version of PDAP from the extensions – Promote a more comprehensive query language – Address some issues found from extension projects and implementation efforts; put the extension projects to sleep while we work this issue
Registries/Search Goal: provide top level access to data, tools and services across agencies Project 1: Propose a registry deployment project that focuses on registration of data, dictionary, tools and services from IPDA members; work data access (Sean); consider inclusion of EuroPlanet Project 2: Collection of planetary tools; follow up workshop (Tom) Project 3: Implementation project for ESA (Dave)
Geometry Project: Propose extending PDS4 to have an explicit geometry class (Chuck) Additional project members: include Lisa Gaddis; Navita, Jose (again), other PDS members; Yyukio, Naru Goal/Requirement: define data that a data provider needs to include in for a PDS4 archive in order to understand the geometry of the data; include different discipline needs
Web Site Propose to move into maintenance mode for the next year. PDS can support this. Final actions – Clean up logo and drop banner – Add agency logos at the bottom footer – Deploy website
Next IPDA Meeting Proposal – CNES in Paris hosted by Alain – July 2013 (weeks 2,3, or 4?) – Alain to propose to IPDA SC dates; logistics Any interest in trying to coordinate with another Planetary Data workshop?
Other Topics Peer Review Issues – (1) Criteria differs by project and agency – (2) Granularity of reviews including re-reviews of new versions of data – (3) Heavy resource load on both the archive and instrument teams – Path forward: Steering Committee ad hoc action item. Develop a white paper/assessment of the situation – Members: Reta, Dave, Maria Teresa, Faith Vilas Update from ISRO on interoperability plans at mid-term and/or next SC
Old Actions (1) Review TEG membership and let Pedro/Dan know if out of date (closed) Jesus and Pedro to produce a standard template for extensions to PDAP and pass to the fly-by-product project. (closed due to new project) Send out the PDAP extension for fly-by-product to the TEG mailing list (closed and will continue to be worked through new project) Pedro will pre-book the TEG meeting every two months and to the TEG (closed) Align PDS4 model and software classes in PDAP (open, but will be worked by the new unification project) What are the return types for PDAP? TEG formulate a proposal for submission to the SC for review. Also consider including other items pertinent for the SC to review prior to submission of PDAP. (open; addressed under the new core spec project)
Old Actions (2) Generate an IPDA Data Dictionary service (open, Sean to address during next year) Dan will add the new Russians to the IPDA TEG; send to Pedro (closed) Develop a project for validation rules for PDS4 (closed) Vicki to help us find someone who could join the technical group from CSA (open) Review the mailing lists organization to make sure it is an effective tool (closed) ) Dan to distribute the voting procedure (closed) Dan to send out SC plans for 2012 (closed) Put together a structure for PDAP with a set of goals (Jesus) (closed) Explore addition of new countries (Poland, Brazil, Sweden, Juice PI, etc) (open, Alain will help us]) Tom Morgan will lead development of the IPDA/AGU planning; will meet in Nantes (closed)