What is an atom? What is an element? How can you distinguish (tell the difference) between elements? - smallest particle of matter, can’t be divided -


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Presentation transcript:

What is an atom? What is an element? How can you distinguish (tell the difference) between elements? - smallest particle of matter, can’t be divided - made up of only one type of atom - made of different types of atoms What is a compound? What is a molecule? - 2 or more elements in a fixed proportion -2 or more elements (nonmetals) combined List the levels of organization from smallest to largest. atom – molecule- cell-tissue-organ- organ system-organism

What is a monomer? What is a polymer? - Building block of macromolecules - 2 or more monomers linked together Name the four types of carbon based molecules. - carbohydrates -lipids -proteins -nucleic acids Name the elements that are found in carbohydrates. -carbon -hydrogen -oxygen CHO

What are the building blocks of all larger carbohydrates? -monosaccahrides What are the functions of carbohydrates? -quick energy -cell structure Name the three groups of carbohydrates. How are these groups named? -monosaccharides ( 1 sugar) -disaccharides (2 sugars) - Polysaccharides (3 or more sugars) - For the number of sugars in it

What are the elements that make up all lipids? - carbon -hydrogen -oxygen CHO What are the building blocks for lipids? -fatty acids What are the molecules that make up a triglyceride? (Indicate how many of each molecule is necessary to build a triglyceride.) -3 fatty acids - 1 glycerol

What is meant by a saturated fatty acid? (examples) - Have all single bonds, solid at room temp - butter, lard What is meant by an unsaturated fatty acid? (examples) - Have double or triple bonds, liquid at room temp - oils Are lipids polymers? How do you know? -NO -can’t form chains

Identify the following structure:- carbohydrate Identify the following structure:- lipid Identify the following structure:-protein

Identify the following structure:- nucleic acid What are the elements that make up proteins? - carbohydrate - hydrogen - oxygen - nitrogen What are the building blocks for proteins? - amino acids

What are the functions of proteins?- Make enzymes - Receptors on cell membrane - Part of cell structure - Protect against disease (WBC) What are some examples of proteins? - enzymes - What type of bonds are formed when amino acids are joined? -peptide bonds

What is a carboxyl group? Which macromolecules contain a carboxyl group? -part of an amino acid - proteins - How many amino acids are available to create proteins? - 20 What is different for each of the amino acids? -the R group

What are the elements that make up nucleic acids? -carbon -hydrogen -oxygen -nitrogen -phosphurus What are the building blocks of nucleic acids? Name the 3 parts of this building block. -nucleotides -phosphate group -5 carbon sugar -Nitrogen base What is the function of nucleic acids?-store genetic information -code for proteins

Give two examples of nucleic acids.- DNA -RNA Which of the macromolecules are polymers? -carbohydrates -nucleic acids -proteins What does the term macromolecule mean? -large molecule

What will happen if the structures of a protein changes? -can lead to a genetic disorder because the protein will not function properly Proteins that help speed up chemical reactions are called: -enzymes