Project Archaeology: Investigating a Roman Villa BECCA JANKE PROJECTARCHAEOLOGY.ORG
Oriental Institute
Project Archaeology
Project Archaeology: Investigating Nutrition
Benefits: World History Student centered exploration Students become archaeologists and think as one Confidence with new artifacts Know where archaeologists find information
World History – Do Now 1.Name the figure. 2.Draw the figure. 3.Write 3 observations. 4.Write one inference based on your observations.
What about Latin?
Pompeii: The Last Day
Doctor Who: The Fires of Pompeii
Investigating a Roman Villa Taught rough draft as a unit in April to my Latin I students Students bought into Latin more Cultural understandings beyond text Avoided confusions Cross curricular (History, Science, Math) Kids loved it!
Warm-Up Lesson: What is Archaeology Dispels myths about archaeology Overview of unit
Lesson One: Ethics of Studying Human Remains Archaeology focuses on Oplontis and Herculanium, specifically human remains Discovery Channel Video: Pompeii: Back from the Dead Ethical discussions and essay
Lesson Two: Knowing the Land – Knowing the People Overview of Pliny the Younger Geography at Oplontis Wall Painting of Vesuvius and Bacchus, from the House of the Centenary Measure Villa with string
Lesson Three: Vesuvius Erupts Four types of volcanic eruptions via videos of actual eruptions Use information about volcanoes to analyze two of Pliny’s letters Experiment in class (video)
Examples of Student Learning from Test
Lesson Four: Romans Recline to Dine Triclinia are discussed How frescoes are restored How to observe frescoes as an archaeologist Fresco mystery
Lesson Five: Mosaic Math Learn vocabulary for mosaics and use it Make their own mosaics Optional project using math
Lesson Six: Coins and Culture Learn how to read a United States coin Learn how to read a Roman coin, then analyze them Make own coin
Lesson Seven: Mystery at a Roman Villa Compare modern houses to Roman Villae Learn names of rooms in Villa Label rooms of actual Villa Play Clue in Latin: Indicium
Lesson Eight: Stewardship is Everyone’s Responsibility Laws protecting Archaeological sites: national and international How to be active citizens How to protect our history via archaeology, specifically Pompeii
Unit Assessment Essay on learning of unit News broadcast on the natural disaster of the 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius