Academic Registrars Council – Subjects Allied to Medicine meeting 23 June 2016 Update from the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Abigail Gorringe, Director of Education
Content of presentation 1.Policy developments 2.Profession and sector updates 3.Approvals and monitoring experiences 4.Questions
Policy developments
Standards development and review −standards of proficiency −standards of conduct, performance and ethics −standards of education and training −Podiatric surgery −Independent and supplementary prescribing −Medicines exemptions for orthoptists Guidance and information
Standards of proficiency – rolling review Revised standards published between for all professions except social workers. Education providers revising programmes in and academic years. HCPC confirming changes via annual monitoring in and academic years. Revised standards for social workers currently out for consultation. Closes Friday 24 June Expected publication in autumn 2016.
Standards of conduct, performance and ethics Revised standards published and effective from January Revised student guidance published in June Key changes −Reporting and escalating any concerns about the safety and wellbeing of service users or carers −Being open and honest when things go wrong −Delegating appropriately (student guidance)
What are the implications for approved programmes? Changes the way some of our standards of education and training are met. Changes the way students are introduced to the standards and expectations of professional practice and behaviour. Changes the way education providers may develop and safeguard professional behaviour in their students. Wealth of resources – publications (print & digital versions; blog; YouTube videos; newsletter; press releases. SET 4.5 The curriculum must make sure that students understand the implications of the HCPC’s standards of conduct, performance and ethics Students receive hard copies at enrolment. Education providers use the standards and guidance in their fitness to practice processes.
Standards of education and training (SETs) review Three year / three phase review – 2014 to External and internal research period 2.Professional Liaison Group 3.Public consultation Consultation on revised standards and guidance due to run from 5 September to 25 November Expected publication in spring/summer Effective from academic year. Possible phased introduction.
What are we proposing to change? Terminology Format Link with the standards of conduct, performance and ethics Interprofessional education Involving learners Supporting learners to raise concerns New SET 4.9 The programme must ensure that learners are able to learn with, and from, professionals and learners in other relevant professions. We have replaced the term ‘student’ with ‘learner We have changed ‘practice placement’ to ‘practice-based learning’ New SET 3.17 There must be an effective process in place to support and enable learners to raise concerns about the safety and wellbeing of service users. Revised SET 4.2 The learning outcomes must ensure that learners understand and are able to meet the expectations of professional behaviour, including the standards of conduct, performance and ethics.
Podiatric surgery New standards published in June Approval process opened for new programmes in the academic year. Annotation of the register to be discussed further by the Education and Training Committee.
Independent and supplementary prescribing Changes to medicines legislation came into effective on 1 April 2016 Therapeutic radiographers can train to become independent prescribers Dietitians can train to become supplementary prescribers. Education providers asked to engage with the major change process if they are extending their current SP or IP programmes to these new professions.
Medicines exemptions for orthoptists Changes to medicines legislation came into effective on 1 April 2016 Orthoptists radiographers can train to use exemptions that allows them to sell, supply and/or administer certain prescription-only medicines. We consulted on new standards from 8 March and 3 May Council to sign off new standards in July Formal publication in autumn Approval process to open for new programmes in autumn Standards for the use of exemptions by orthoptists to sell, supply and administer medicines COMING SOON!
Information and guidance Revised the existing guidance on returning to practice. Consultation due to run from 11 July to 30 September Formal publication in winter 2016/17. Due to review the existing guidance on confidentiality. Anticipated consultation in winter 2016/17 and publication in summer Developing new guidance on the appropriate use of social media and networking websites. Anticipated consultation in autumn 2016 and publication in spring/summer 2017.
Profession and sector developments
Social workers in England Paramedics Chiropodists / Podiatrists Reforms to healthcare funding in England Reforming regulation of health and care professionals
Social workers in England January Secretary of State for Education announces plans for a new social work body. May 2016 – Queens speech and publication of Children and Social Work Bill May & June Children and Social Work Bill in House of Lords (First & second reading stage complete). Education Select Committee on social work reform. ‘Business as usual’ for education providers, including developments with fast track programmes and teaching partnerships.
Paramedics Threshold level of qualification for entry to the Register (SET 1). Education and Training Committee discussions in 2014 & The Committee agreed that, in principle, there is a persuasive case for changing the threshold level specified in first of the standards of education and training. The Committee agreed to consider this issue again in light of information about developments in the four countries and the outcomes of the HEE project. ‘Business as usual’ for education providers, including the development of new provision and changes to existing provision.
Chiropodist / podiatrists We consulted on renaming the ‘local anaesthetics’ and ‘prescription only medicines’ annotations for chiropodist / podiatrists from March to May Executive proposing to proceed with renaming the annotations, but with a slight modification to the original proposal, as follows: −Local anaesthetics becomes Prescription only medicines – administration −Prescription only medicines becomes Prescription only medicines – sale / supply Council to discuss and agree outcome of consultation in July Education providers will be asked, in due course, to update the information given to students about the annotations.
Reforming healthcare education funding for allied health professionals in England Department of Health (England) currently consulting. HCPC due to respond by the end of June. Education and Training Committee discussions in June They agreed the broad themes of the response: −Reiteration of our role in quality assurance of pre-registration education and training −Clarity around our role in approving changes to programmes, specifically around recruiting higher numbers and the impact on the quality and opportunities of learning. −Emphasize the importance of effectively managing the availability, capacity and quality of practice education. Education providers expected to engage with major change or approval process for new or significantly altered provision from Sept 2017.
Reforming regulation of health and care professionals Law Commission project in 2014 & 2015 Legal frameworks of nine health and care regulators and professional standards authority (~ 32 professions / 1.4 million professionals) December 2015 – written ministerial statement (Ben Gummer) May 2016 – indications of policy consultation in autumn 2016 and pre-consultation stakeholder events Focus – purpose (principles of better regulation); agility; proportionality; cost effectiveness
Approvals and monitoring experiences
Approval process : recent experiences Education annual report 2014 Review of social work education in England Review of approved mental health professional training in England Incorporation of lay visitors into approval visit panels
Monitoring processes : recent experiences Service user and carer involvement – assessment against the new standard 42% of programmes asked to provide additional evidence Wealth of resources – guidance; blog; YouTube videos; web-page; seminar resources
Approval and monitoring processes : looking forward Review of the annual monitoring process Review of initial engagement with the approval process Improve feedback mechanisms Research in education providers and stakeholders’ perceptions and experiences of our education regulatory processes
Useful web links for more detailed information: health-and-care-professions-council Web: Tel: App: myHCPC