In paragraph form, explain why you think it might be important to know how sexually transmitted infections are spread and how you can protect yourself.
Today in the United States, we are facing an epidemic of STD’s. An estimated 65 million people in the US are living with an incurable STD. Many of these cases go undiagnosed and untreated. Why?
Why do you think teens are at a higher risk for infection from STD’s? Teens who are sexually active are likely to participate in one or more of the following: being sexually active with more than one person, having unprotected sex, choosing high-risk partners, and use alcohol or other drugs. Why do you think this is?
Sexually Transmitted Infections Chapter 25; Pg. 646
STD’s and STI’s are infectious diseases spread from person to person through sexual contact.
Tri-County Health in Malta: Crusader Clinic: Winnebago Health Department: 401 Division Street, Rockford, IL or Clinic Hours: Mon :30; Wed. 3:30-5:30; Fri.12:30-3. *STI test based on income *Photo ID required (no one else can get results.) *Must request at annual pap smear to be tested.
Bacteria and Viruses cause STI’s. H=Virus (hint for some to help remember)
Abstinence-the deliberate decision to avoid harmful behaviors, including sexual activity before marriage and the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.
Report_1211.pdf Illinois Department of Public Health Statistics Charts/Graphs on STD’s reported Demographic Characteristics of Cumulative STD Cases (Broken into age groups) 1/1/ /31/11 Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis
Human Papillomavirus or HPV is a virus that can cause genital warts. Considered most common STD in the United States. CDC estimates 50-75% sexually active males and females acquire HPV at some point throughout their lives Almost all cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV. Can cause cancers of the penis and anus.
HPV: Wart-like growths in genital area. Infants born to females with HPV may develop warts in their throats, blocking breathing passages, which can be life-threatening. Warts may not appear for months after infection (virus can still be passed.) Applications can treat warts but virus remains in body forever.
HPV male:
Herpes-an STD caused by herpes simplex virus. Type 1-usually causes cold sores. (above the waist.) Type 2-usually causes genital sores. (below the waist.) Virus can be given to infant at birth from mother and can be fatal. More capable of transmitting or acquiring HIV.
Herpes-blister like sores on genitals Most people NEVER DEVELOP SYMPTOMS! Virus can STILL be passed, whether or not there is an outbreak. Virus=incurable!
Hepatitis: disease that affects the liver. Virus. Often asymptomatic. Hepatitis A-spread through ingesting fecal matter. (ex. Changing diaper & not washing hands, oral to anal sex, contaminated food, etc.) Vaccine to help prevent Hepatitis B-spread through blood, semen, vaginal fluids, breast milk, and saliva. Spread through needle sharing and anal/vaginal sex. Vaccine to help prevent. Hepatitis C-spread through blood or blood products, not often by sex (unless blood involved.) No vaccine.
HIV-virus that affects the immune system.
Chlamydia-bacterial infection that affects the reproductive organs. Most people do not have symptoms. #1 STD in our area! Can still be spread Discharge from penis; burning when urinating Females have abnormal discharge, burning when urinating or abdominal pain Most common cause of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. (PID.) Lead to infertility in males and females Can cause premature birth or eye disease or pneumonia.
Chlamydia in the eye:
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease:
Gonorrhea-bacterial STD Male-burning when urinating and a yellow pus- like discharge from penis. Female-most have no symptoms, but may have abnormal vaginal discharge or painful urinating. Person who has been treated CAN be re-infected. Can lead to infertility Infants can contract from mother may have eye infections that cause blindness.
Syphilis-bacterial STD Begins as painless sore on mouth, genitals, or anus. Sore can heal on its own, BUT if the infection is not treated-it spreads through the blood to other parts of the body. Can damage internal organs; paralysis, convulsions, blindness, heart disease, etc. Infected infant may have damaged nervous system and can die.
Crabs (Pubic lice)-lice that attach to body hair and cause irritation. Spread by close body contact Lotion can be applied to infested parts of the body and kill lice and eggs.
Head vs. Pubic
Scabies-mites that burrow into the skin and cause intense itching. Transmission by close contact Lotion can be applied to kill mites
Sexually active and STI testing: Every 6 months-1 year (depending on partners and sexual activity) More if multiple partners and unprotected sex. Confidential