National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Clearinghouse “ The Road to Eligibility” “ The Road to Eligibility”
24 Credits Required for Graduation English: 4 credits Math: 4 credits – Alg. 1, Geom. + 2 additional credits credits Science: Biology + 2 additional credits Soc. Studies: 3 cr = Wld History, Am. Hist., Am. Gvt., Econ. Gvt., Econ. HOPE (PE): 1 cr or waiver Fine/eligible Prac. Art: 1 credit Electives: 8 credits Must complete an online course for credit
Student Academic History
Graduation GPA & Testing 2.0 cumulative unweighted GPA Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) Alg. 1 EOC or pass PERT math test Take Geo., Biology & Am. History EOC Alg. II EOC (if enrolled) Must take 1 online class
Promotion ( updated ) 10 credits to be a junior/1.50 GPA 17 credits to be a senior/2.0 GPA CONSIDER ADULT EDUCATION or LCVS IF STUDENT NEEDS TO MAKE UP CREDITS Only students who have received a D or a F may retake the same course. Student must earn a C or better to replace the grade in the cumulative GPA.
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse is the organization that determines whether prospective college athletes are eligible to play sports at NCAA Division I or Division II institutions. It does this by reviewing the student athlete's academic record, SAT or ACT scores, and amateur status to ensure conformity with NCAA rules.
NCAA DIVISION I Initial – Eligibility Academic Requirements There are new requirements for college-bound student-athletes enrolling full time at an NCAA Division I college or university on or after August 1, 2016
NCAA DIVISION I Initial- Eligibility Academic Requirements (New) For college-bound student-athletes enrolling full time at an NCAA Division 1 college or university on or after August 1, 2016, there are three (3) possible academic outcomes: 1.Full qualifier = competition, athletics aid (scholarship), and practice the first year 2. Academic redshirt = athletics aid the first year, practice in first regular academic term (semester or quarter) 3. Nonqualifier = no athletics aid, practice or competition the first year
NCAA Division I Full Qualifier Requirements for Athletics Aid, Practice and Competition Students will need to meet the following requirements to receive athletics aid, practice and compete their first year: ~ 16 core courses in the following areas: 4 years of English 3 years of Math (Algebra 1 or higher) 2 years of natural or physical science (including one year of lab science) 1 extra year of English, math or natural/physical science 2 years of social science 4 years additional from areas above or foreign language, philosophy or comparative religion Earn a minimum grade point average of in those 16 core courses Earn qualifying SAT or ACT score Graduate from high school
NCAA Division I Full Qualifier: Core-course progression: - Must complete 10 core courses before - Must complete 10 core courses before seventh(7 th ) semester of high school seventh(7 th ) semester of high school - Of the 10 core courses completed, - Of the 10 core courses completed, seven must be in the area of English, seven must be in the area of English, math, or science math, or science - These 10 core courses become “locked in” - These 10 core courses become “locked in” courses will not be used if taken after the courses will not be used if taken after the seventh semester begins seventh semester begins
NCAA Division I Eligibility Process (cont’.) Students will need to earn a combined SAT or ACT sum score that matches their coure course grade point average and test score sliding scale The full sliding scale can be found at under Resources
Academic Redshirt Student-athletes who fail to meet the required 10 core courses prior to the start of the seventh semester (to include Eng., math, natural/physical science), will be allowed to retake core courses in the seventh or eighth semester, which will be used in their academic certification for the purpose of meeting the academic redshirt requirements. For Scholarship and Practice requirements please refer to under Resources.
What If A Student Does Not Meet Eithe r Set of Requirements If a college-bound student-athlete does not meet either set of requirements, he/she is a nonqualifier. A nonqualifier: ~ Cannot receive athletics aid during the first year a NCAA Division I college or university. a NCAA Division I college or university. ~ Cannot practice or compete during the first year at a Division I college or university at a Division I college or university
NCAA DIVISION II Eligibility Requirements Division II currently requires 16 core courses: 3 years of English 2 years of math (Algebra I or higher) 2 years of natural/physical science (including one year of lab science) 3 years of additional English, math, or natural/physical science 2 years of social science 3 years of additional courses (from any area above, foreign language or religion/philosophy) Earn a minimum grade point average of 2.00 in core courses Earn a minimum SAT score of 820 or an ACT sum score of 68. Graduate from high school Please visit for more information
2018 Division II New Academic Requirements Initial-eligibility standards for NCAA Division II college-bound student –athletes are changing. College-bound student-athletes first enrolling at a NCAA Division II school on or after August 1, 2018, need to meet new academic rules to practice, compete and receive athletic scholarship during their first year.
ACT Fees and Services ACT (No writing) $39.50 (or fee waiver) ACT Plus Writing $56.50 (or fee waiver) Eng., Math, Science, Reading Eng., Math, Science, Reading - Includes reports for you, your high - Includes reports for you, your high school, and up to four colleges school, and up to four colleges (eligibility center as one of the (eligibility center as one of the four; center code is 9999) four; center code is 9999) - Must provide photo ID when they - Must provide photo ID when they register register - Full length official practice test - Full length official practice test online online
ACT Test Dates and Centers Lincoln High School Code: City Center Name Center Code Test Dates TallahasseeLINCOLN /24/201502/06/201604/09/2016 TallahasseeRICKARDS /24/201504/09/2016 TallahasseeFAMU /12/ /06/ /09/ /11/2016
SAT Reasoning Test Critical reading, writing, math sections $54.50 with Essay $43.00 without Essay(or fee waiver) $43.00 without Essay(or fee waiver) - Includes reports for you, your high - Includes reports for you, your high school and college choices (eligibility school and college choices (eligibility center as one of the choices; center code is 9999) center as one of the choices; center code is 9999) - Students required to provide photo - Students required to provide photo ID when they register ID when they register - Full length official practice test - Full length official practice test online online
SAT Test Dates and Centers Lincoln High School Code: City Center Name Center Code Test Dates TallahasseeLINCOLN /03/1512/05/1503/05/16 TallahasseeRickards /07/1603/05/16 TallahasseeGodby /3/1605/07/16 TallahasseeFAMU /03/1512/05/1501/23/1605/07/1606/04/16
WHEN SHOULD STUDENTS REGISTER??? Students may register at any time, but it is recommended that they register during their sophomore year. The eligibility center will evaluate a student’s academic credentials once the following information has been received, and the student has had his/her status requested by a NCAA member institution: ~ Completed online registration ~ Completed online registration ~ $ Fee payment * ~ $ Fee payment * ~ SAT and/or ACT test score on file from the ~ SAT and/or ACT test score on file from the respective testing agency * respective testing agency * ~ Transcript(s) from all schools or programs attended * ~ Transcript(s) from all schools or programs attended * Registration website: Registration website:
RESOURCES ~ Resources tab on the NCAA Eligibility Center website ( ~ Initial-Eligibility Resource Index ~ Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete ~ Quick Reference Guide ~ Initial Eligibility Brochure