CONTENTS Present Scenario Introduction How Li-Fi Works Wi-Fi Vs Li-Fi Applications Advantages Limitations Conclusion PRESENT SCENARIO ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM RADIO SPECTRUM RADIO SPECTRUM ISSUES Radio waves Costly and Expensive Less Bandwidth compared to other spectrums Insufficient spectrum for increasing data Millions of base stations consume huge amount of energy for Transmitting the radio waves To cool the base station cabins 5% Efficiency Efficiency Capacity RADIO SPECTRUM ISSUES Availability Available within the range of Base stations Limited availability Unavailable in aircrafts Less secure (passes through the walls) Security
ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM INTRODUCTION HISTORY LIFE OF LI-FI Introduced by Professor Harald Haas, at the university of Edinburgh. Established in 2011 TED global talk The promotion of idea through TED helped to start a company, Pure Li-Fi Pure Li-Fi, formerly pure VLC, is an original equipment manufacture firm setup to commercialize Li-Fi products for integration with existing LED lighting systems In October 2011, few companies and industries group formed Li-Fi consortium to promote the high speed optical wireless systems LIGHT FIDELITY ( ایمان داری فَرض شَناسی ۔ ) Light based WI-FI Light is used instead of radio-waves to transmit data Transceiver fitted LED lamps acts like Wi-Fi modems LED lamps can light a room as well as transmit-receive data Provides illumination as well as data communication OVERCOMING WIFI ISSUES CAPACITY Spectrum is 10,000 times greater than that of radio frequency EFFICIENCY Highly efficient since LED consumes less energy AVAILABILITY Light waves available everywhere SECURITY Cannot penetrate through walls. Hence data cannot be intercepted HOW LI-FI WORKS? HOW Li-Fi WORKS? Operational procedure is very simple If LED is ON, digital data ‘1’ is transmitted & if LED is OFF, digital data ‘0’ is transmitted LEDs varies in intensity so fast that a human eye cannot detect it A controller connected at the back side of these LEDs is used to code data Also called as 5G optical communication IMPLEMENTATION OF LI- FI All the data from Internet is streamed into lamp driver Data from internet is used to modulate the intensity of LED light source Thus by fast and subtle variations of current, optical output can be made to vary at extremely high speed The photo detector picks up the signal The receiver dongle then converts the tiny changes in amplitude into a data stream
Wi-Fi Vs Li-Fi
APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS OF LI-FI LI-FI can be used in Sensitive areas such as aircrafts for data transmission without causing interference Places where it is difficult to lay optical fibers like operation theaters Traffic scenarios, thereby reducing accidents Underwater applications where radio waves cannot propagate ( پھیلانا - توسیع ). Industries like petrochemical plants, nuclear power plants, petrol pumps etc VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC LIGHTS IN AIRPLANES' AND UNDERWATER HOSPITALS STREET LAMPS (AS FREE ACCESS POINTS) PETROLEUM AND CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES ADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES Data rate greater than 10 Gbps; Theoretically allowing HD film to be downloaded in 30 seconds Can be used anywhere, even in RF restricted areas; Since light waves will not interfere with radio waves. Mostly LED light bulbs are used, which consumes less energy. Hence cost efficient. As light waves cannot penetrate through walls, the data cannot be intercepted; Thus provides secured communication. Efficient alternative to radio based wireless; since it is quick and reliable. LIMITATIONS LIMITATIONS Visible light cannot penetrate through solid objects. A major challenge of Li-Fi is how the receiving device will transmit back to transmitter. Interferences from external light sources like sunlight, in the path of transmission will cause interruption in the communication. Data transmission can be easily blocked by any object placed in front of LED source. Keep the lights on all the time 24×7 Connectivity while moving CONCLUSION
CONCLUSION Thus, if Li-Fi technology can be put into practical use, every bulb can be used as an alternative to Wi-Fi hotspots. It provides simple, faster and efficient wireless data communication. Li-Fi will make us to proceed towards the cleaner, greener, safer and brighter future.