Electricity Sector Management Palestine
HEPCO Establishment Organization Chart Concession Area Map 33/11 KV Substations SW & HW Used
Establishment of Hebron Electric Power Company 2000
Concession Area Map Total Area: 91 km² Population: 250,000 Subscribers: 45,660 Approximately Hebron Halhul Qilqes Aqabet Ngile Beit Inun Issa Loza Jalajel Baq’a Dowara Oddese
Software in Use General Ledger Cash Management Order Managment Inventory Account Payable Fixed Assets Purchasing Account receivables Integration Document Archiving & Control System Payroll and HR Billing System Customers’ Files Electronic Archiving Fleet Management Logistic Modules
HEPCo Distribution System Existing System 11 kV Network Peak Load Curve Testing Equipments Technical Indicators Electricity Statistics
HEPCO Projects
On going Projects
On going and future projects Main Power Control (MPC) Project is under Execution will be finished end of this year a. 33 underground cables (feeders) for south substation from MPC of 12km length route. b. 11KV underground cables system reinforcement of 20km route c. New connection point 33KV for Halhul d. New 33KV connection points for 2 new feeders for (33/11 KV) substations. e. Low voltage network improvement MPC Under-construction Control Center MPC Harayek Em Daliye Duhdah IEC Fahs West Hussein Ras Connection Points
Electricity in winter
Hebron Electric Power Co.
Renewable Energy Customer Guide Net Metering
Energy Conservation
Energy Conservation Measures In Street Lighting Installing Voltage Controller Devices On the Main Circuit Breakers. Reduction of the Two Circles Lighting Levels Reduction Lighting Levels
LED Street Lighting Project 17
On Going Project: 190 LED 152 watt lamps replaced 250 watt HPS lamps in Hawwoz Street Future Project: New street Marloqa Street will have new Led Luminaries after Months
Proposed Projects 4 proposed projects to financed by ESCWA as part of RE future Projects in Hebron area
Projects Brief Description: Project 1: PV Solar roof top project mainly covers open roof tops of: 1.Residential buildings and houses in Hebron City mainly those who are near Israeli settlements. Total number of houses benefiting from that project =100 house of 3 kw each 1.Total number of industrial customers benefitting from that project= 20 sites of 20 kw each 2.Total number of commercial building benefitting from that project 15 0f 20 kw each All these projects to be connected to grid individually via Net Metering on the low vge system Total power =1 MW Total Project cost = 1.5 $M Project 2: 1 MW ground mounted PV Solar project south of Hebron city near the Waste Water Treatment plant to be connected to grid via 11kv net metering system. Total Power =1MW Total Project Cost=1.5 $M
Project 3 : Project brief description*: Lanfill which is owned by Hebron Municipality (60%) location is south of Hebron,between Hebron And Yatta, area 100 donom. this landfill of MSW is closed and now under rehabilitation from World Bank. Gas generated from that landfill will be utilized to generate electricity of estimated power 1000 kw max. This power will be sold to IEC network which is not far from but still need power line 33 kv to constructed and need the approval of IEC, This project will be of much benefit to the environment and CO2 reduction World bank project is undergoing project and will be finished within months. Project No 4: Led outdoor lighting fixtures (street lamps) 120 watt to replace 250 watt HPS luminaries in main streets of Hebron City QTY=3000 unit. Total cost estimate =1.45 $M
1 Automated Electrical SWG and SCADA control of MV feeders and substations 2 GIS system integrated with electrical and other control systems - On going project 3 Smart Energy Meters for 3 phase customers - On going projects 4 C o m m u ni ca ti o n In fr a st ru ct ur e – O ng oi ng pr oj ec t 5 Fu tu re s m ar t 1 p ha se e n er gy m et er s to b e in st all e d Achievements on the way to Smart System
Smarter Demand + Smarter Supply + Demand Response = The Smart Grid
The Smart Grid is a combination of hardware, management and reporting software, built a top an intelligent communications infrastructure. The flow of electricity from utility to consumer becomes a two-way conversation, saving consumers money, energy, delivering more transparency in terms of end-user use, and reducing carbon emissions.
Modernization of the electricity delivery system so that it monitors, protects and automatically optimizes the operation of its interconnected elements – from the central and distributed generator through the high- voltage network and distribution system, to industrial users and building automation systems, and to end-use consumers and their appliances and other household devices.
What does a Smart Grid do? The benefits associated with the Smart Grid include : More efficient transmission of electricity Quicker restoration of electricity after power disturbances Reduced operations and management costs for utilities, and ultimately lower power costs for consumers Reduced peak demand, which will also help lower electricity rates Increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems Better integration of customer-owner power generation systems, including renewable energy systems Improved security
System Benefits Optimizes asset utilization Improves operating efficiencies through the use of automatic monitoring, switching, distribution Power distribution, control and routing of electrical loads) Power Distribution System Reliability Reducing emissions