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1.Flexible transfer of duties between control rooms 2.Smart use of DMR radio network capacity 3.Low-cost remote dispatch positions 4.Linking multiple radio networks 5.Agency partitioning 6.Job Ticketing 7.Object tracking in areas with limited GPS coverage 8.Linking radio networks with public networks 9.Fully redundant radio network connections Examples of Kolibri solutions: Click to continue…
1. Flexible transfer of duties between control rooms 1. Flexible transfer of duties between control rooms Key Requirements Each island continues operation when other islands are out-of-order. At night only the control room of Bonaire is operational and controls all islands. 112 (911) calls should be integrated with the dispatch software. Paging should be integrated with the dispatch software. Click to continue…
KoliLink Server Koli Gateway KoliLink Server Koli Gateway KoliLink Server Koli Gateway Link client KoliControl nKoliConsole Koli Gate way Paging Server SIP Server Link client nKoliConsole KoliControl Koli Gate way Paging Server SIP Server nKoliConsole Link client KoliControl Koli Gate way Koli Hist Paging Server SIP Server Control room Eustatius (3) Control room Bonaire (1) Control room Saba (2) To prepare for shared operation: Connect island using KoliLink Setup the shared operation by inter connecting the islands TETRA Network Start with local network for each island Click to continue…
2. Smart use of DMR radio network capacity Key Requirements: Low cost, limited number of calls. Coverage in dike corridor only. Patching of a landline call should be possible. Disadvantage MOTOTRBO IPSC solution: Limited number of repeaters. Call repeated on all repeaters, even if no participating radio within repeaters range. Click to continue…
Radio Network KoliConsole Dike district 1Dike district 2Dike district n Koli Log SYNC Koli Gateway Koli Control Koli Gateway Koli Control Setup group call Add Kolibri to manage repeaters Setup private call Click to continue…
Key Requirements: Central control room with wired data connection. Remote small control rooms with over- the-air connection only. Extend the small control rooms with capabilities that are only possible with a wired data connection. 3. Low-cost remote dispatch positions Click to continue…
KoliDispatch Main Control Room Redundant Control 3. Low-cost remote dispatch positions Kolibri Integrated Dispatch & Tracking Remote Position 2 KoliTrack Remote Position n Remote Position 1 But radio is tuned to group 2 KoliDispatch Receives text message and decodes message into an alarm of radio 1 in group 1. Shows radio 1 in the alarm window and switches radio to group 1 Receives text message and decodes the message in affiliation or site registration information Kolibri Control Receives affiliation and site registration information. Translates info into coded text message, which is send to the radio of the Remote Position Radio 1 sends alarm on group 1 Receives alarm (status) message and translates message into coded text message which is send to the radio of the Remote Dispatch Position Click to continue…
Key Requirements: Mixture of analog and digital radio networks 5-Tone support Connection to paging system Linked to telephone hub Custom map Air traffic control (only listning) 4. Linking multiple radio networks Click to continue…
LAN ATC – Ch 3 ATC – Ch 1 ATC – Ch 2 BH – Ch 1 BH– Ch 2 GC – Ch 1 GC – Ch 2 BH – Ch 3 BH – Ch 4 Kolibri control server 1 Kolibri control server 2 TETRA Analog KoliSync KoliDispatch Kolibri Integrated Dispatch & Tracking KoliDispatch Kolibri initiates a private call between Radio 1 and SIP phone 1. If allowed by the radio network this will be a full duplex call Radio 1 request a group call to SIP phone 1 by transmitting the corresponding text message Kolibri initiates a group call between Radio 1 and SIP phone 1. This will always be a half duplex call (vox detection included) Radio 1 request a private call to SIP phone 1 by transmitting the corresponding text message Click to continue…
5. Agency partitioning on shared radio network Key Requirements: Share single TETRA network Agency partitioning Remote MOTOTRBO connection Indoor positioning Amsterdam The Hague remote connection Click to continue…
KoliLink server TETRA MOTOTRBO Kolibri S1 Integrated Dispatch & Tracking KoliDispatch S2 KoliDispatch S3 Radio T1 affiliates to group 1 Show affiliation of radio T1 to group 1 Radio T2 group call to group 3 on S2 Radio T3 group call to group 6 On S3 Radio T3 group call to group 6 On S3 Radio MT3 group call to group MT Agency Partitioning determines Radio 1 affiliation belongs to S1 only Click to continue…
Key Requirements: Low cost MOTOTRBO network Reliable delivery of Job Tickets Preprogramed Job Tickets Repeating Job Tickets Queing of Job Tickets Processed tickets database export (billing information) 6. Job Ticket solution Click to continue…
1 2 3 MOTOTRBO dataradio Kolibri Job Ticketing System Assign Job Ticket to radio 1 Job Ticket “ACCEPTED” Job Ticket “ACCEPTED” Job Ticket status becomes “ACCEPTED” Job Ticket status becomes “ACCEPTED” Job Ticket “DONE” Job Ticket status becomes “DONE”, next Job Ticket transmitted to the radio. Click to continue…
Key Requirements: Tetra Network with over-the-air connections. Discard GPS position: Speed is unrealistic Speed differs significantly from received GPS speed Show position on terminals in vehicles. 7. Object tracking in areas with limited GPS coverage Click to continue…
TETRA Transmit GPS position and speed using status message Koli Control GPS Filter Calculate speed on basis of new and last valid position. Validate position if speed is below thresholds Kolibri Distribute valid position Click to continue…
Key Requirements: Kolibri acts as Master dispatcher for both: Radio network SIP exchange Calls between dispatchers Call actions: Answer call Initiating call (with/without alert) Transfer call (with/without alert) Hold call Patch calls 8. Linking radio and public networks Click to continue…
SIP TETRA LTE/GSM KoliDispatch One specific operator GUI layout Integrating all required functions Kolibri Integrated Setup call to cellphone Kolibri initiates a call to the cellphone Setup call to Specific Dispatcher Setup call to Specific Radio Click to continue…
Key Requirements: Redundant: Control server Logging (data & voice) Dispatchers can continue working in wire- less local operations in case of IP-network failure. 9. Fully redundant radio network Click to continue…
LAN Kolibri Control server 1 Kolibri Control server 2 TETRA KoliSync Kolibri Logging server 1 Kolibri Logging server 2 Local Kolibri Control Local Kolibri Control server Local Kolibri Control Kolibri Integrated KoliDispatch Click to continue…