Model of an Effective Program Review October 2008 Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges.


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Presentation transcript:

Model of an Effective Program Review October 2008 Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges

2 Workshop Purpose: learn to Identify and understand the component parts of a viable program review process Embed the process at all levels of the institution Create a culture of informed decision- making and sustainable continuous quality improvement

An Effective Program Review Model

4 Purpose of Program Review Construct an effective, integrated system of program review, planning, and resource allocation Enable the institution to continually assess its effectiveness Use results of this assessment to advance effectiveness and educational quality

5 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

6 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

7 Institutional Mission Defines Institution’s broad purpose The intended student population A commitment to student learning All programs and services must align with this mission The mission is regularly reviewed and revised as needed The mission is central to planning and decision making

8 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Measure Outcomes Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

9 Programmatic Mission Program’s purposes: (workforce training, transfer prep, gen.ed., pre-collegiate education, etc.) Define programmatic student learning outcomes The program’s mission must align with institutional mission The mission is reviewed regularly and revised as needed The mission is central to programmatic planning and decision making

10 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

11 Student Achievement Outcomes Course completion data Retention term to term Progression to next course/level Program completion data Degree/certificate completion data Transfer rates Scores on licensure exams Job placement All data collected must be analyzed

12 Student Learning Outcomes Established at the course, program, degree, and certificate levels SLO development is a critical role of faculty and other academic personnel Is supported by campus leadership groups (senate, curriculum committee, admin., trustees) Must include assessment strategies Assessment data are collected All data collected must be analyzed

13 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

14 Inputs Staff (number and capacity) Facilities Equipment Funding Students (who are they; how prepared are they; what are their support needs?) etc.

15 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

16 Process: Pedagogy and Support Services Course outlines Course content, intended SLOs Strategies for assessing student learning Instructional Support and Services for Students Variable delivery modes & scheduling etc.

17 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

18 Allocation and Alignment of Resources Human Physical Technology Financial Resource planning must be integrated

19 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

20 Program Implementation Scheduling and sequence of courses Alignment with general education courses

21 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

22 Assessment Gather meaningful student achievement data Measure attainment of student learning outcomes Data are qualitative and quantitative Data are longitudinal where appropriate Outcomes data are continually collected

23 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

24 Analysis of Outcomes Understanding the meaning of the data collected Data must be widely shared and discussed Governance groups must be informed

25 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

26 Identify Gaps Comparison of intended & actual outcomes What worked to attain intended outcomes? What part(s) of the program was less successful in attaining intended outcomes?

27 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

28 Design Program Changes To program outcomes To course outcomes To human, physical, technological and financial resources Programmatic changes must be in line with mission Planned changes must inform the process of budget allocation

29 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcomes Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

30 Allocate Needed Resources -Results of program review are clearly and consistently linked to the institutional planning and resource allocation processes -Constituent groups on campus are involved in the decision-making processes

31 The Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement Level of Program Review Program review processes are ongoing, systematic, and used to assess and improve student learning and achievement The institution reviews and refines the program review process to improve institutional effectiveness The results of program review are used to continually refine and improve program practices resulting in improvements in student achievement and learning

32 Institutional Mission Programmatic Mission Outcomes Inputs Process Allocate Resources Implement Program Assessment Analysis of Outcome Identify Gaps Design Program Changes Allocate Needed Resources

33 How Did We Get Here? Accreditation Standards have required program review and integrated planning since the 1990s To those requirements, there is an expectation that Student Achievement and SLO data become a part of the program review and planning processes

34 What is expected Now? Accredited colleges are expected to be at the Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement Level on the Commission’s Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Parts I and II (Program Review and Planning)

35 What is expected in the future? Accredited colleges are expected to remain at the Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement Level on the Commission’s Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness – Parts I and II (Program Review and Planning)

36 What is expected in the future? By 2012, colleges are expected to be at the Proficiency Level on the Commission’s Rubric Part III – Student Learning Outcomes Over time at this level, colleges will achieve the fourth level (Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement)

37 Any Thoughts?

38 puzzle clearer? pieces Are all

39 Thank You