Annual Program Assessment With a Five- Year Peer Review John Henik Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs Dave Horsfield Department Chair, Hospitality Arts 1 Explore integration of a formative annual program assessment with a five-year peer review evaluation process. Student learning outcomes assessment is central. We will explain our strategies to develop and communicate an assessment language with flexible criteria.
Why? Is it for Compliance? Is the assessment/review valued? Where is the data? Assessment of what? Direct & Indirect? Continuous improvement? 2
Beyond Compliance: Annual Program and 5 Year Program Review at Kirkwood Community College Annual Program updates are reviewed by both the Dean & Assessment Specialist. Focus is on continuous improvement and collaboration. 5-year program review is conducted by an interdisciplinary peer review committee. Focus is on compliance. 3
Annual Review 4
1.*Based on your program student learning outcomes assessment plan schedule, provide an analysis of the data collected from each student learning outcome assessment completed in Be sure to include your action plans based on the data analysis. 2.*The program student learning outcomes assessment plan for is complete and has been updated where appropriate. 3.What are the faculty in this program doing to actively investigate and implement current trends into their disciplines? a.Please address efforts related to industry. b.Please address efforts related to education. 4.Consider equipment purchases and needs for the program. a.What equipment was purchased in the last year and how was it used? b.Are there equipment/facility needs necessary to enable this program to respond to technological change and innovation? 5.Has this program been integrated into a secondary vocational program (like an academy or others) and, if so, how has that strengthened the program? If not, should it be? 5
6.Reflect on your program goal(s) from Explain any actions that were taken and the effectiveness of those actions as well as any other major successes or concerns your program has experienced in the past year. 7.Consider enrollment, student demographics, retention, completion, placement, graduate surveys and any other data relevant to your program. (Program Profiles and Program Data and Trends Reports are two good sources.) Based on your analysis of this data, what are the greatest strengths and areas most in need of improvement? 8.Based on your analysis of student learning data and other program data as well as reflecting on your program strategic plan, a.Review and revise your program 5-year strategic plan. b.What is/are your program goal(s) for ? 9.Compare your advisory committee gender and racial/ethnicity data to student and region gender and racial/ethnicity data. If there are significant differences in composition of the groups, list recommendations to expand the recruitment pool for new advisory committee members when positions come open. 6
10.Please enter date of last advisory committee meeting. ______________________ Conference with Dean on (date) __/__/__ Dean should attach a separate page with comments regarding answers to the questions. Reviewed by Office of Academic Affairs __/__/__ 7
Annual Rubric Moves online April
Program Review Committee (PRC) Mission Statement The mission of the Program Review Committee is to provide a peer evaluation of the assessment for academic programs. This process is meant to provide feedback to academic programs that will lead to continuous quality improvement and growth.
PRC Peer Review Schedule Department YEAR Agricultural Science Industrial Technologies Business & IT Hospitality Allied / Occupational Health Nursing Social Science / Math / AAS Programs Liberal Arts x x xx xx xx x x xx xx xx
PRC Members Make-Up of PRC 22 members Non-evaluative – 1 Faculty chair – 1 Associate VP of Academic Affairs – 1 Curriculum and Assessment Specialist Evaluative – 1 Institutional Effectiveness – 4 Deans – 14 Faculty (9 CTE and 5 Liberal Arts) Teams Rating Programs 4 Teams (~5 per team) – 1 Dean – 4 Other Members
PRC Provides: Peer evaluation of all programs on a five-year rotation based on: – Implementation of Assessment Plan – Maintenance of Course Outline/Syllabi – Reflections on Annual Update – Curriculum Map – Advisory Board Minutes – 5-Year Review Summary – Other necessary external compliance requirements from HLC, DOE, Perkins, etc. 12
5-Year Review Summary in addition to the annual update form 13
THE RUBRIC USED BY PRC FOR EVALUATIONS OF PROGRAMS 0= No Evidence, 1= Opportunity for Improvement, 2=Strength, 3=Best Practice
Program Profiles
Course Outline/Syllabi 16
Assessment Plan 17
Overall Feedback to Department
Minimum Qualifications Not Met = Modified Annual Update