Games People Play. 3. Simultaneous move games with pure strategies In this section we shall learn How to figure out the outcomes to expect in simultaneous move game, by Looking for clearly best strategies, ones that are always played Eliminating from consideration strategies that would never be played. Looking for strategies that allow your opponent to the least harm to you. How to reduce complicated games to something much more tractable. How to figure out what is likely to happen in games where two or more put comes seem equally likely
Games People Play.
Simultaneous move games The prisoners dilemma. A pair of criminals are suspected of carrying out a kidnapping, and have been apprehended by the police. However, there is insufficient evidence to convict them. The police can easily convict them on a lesser charge which carries a 3yr sentence. They are separated and individually offered the following options. If one confesses the person who confesses gets 1yr and the other 25yrs. If both confess they both get 10yrs. If you are one of the kidnappers what do you do?
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games The prisoners dilemma. Criminal #1 ConfessDeny Criminal #2 Confess 10,10 1, 25 Deny 25,1 3,3
Games People Play. Payoff Matrices Often referred to as the game in normal form. Payoff matrices are particularly useful in analyzing simultaneous games. As an example the game rock-paper-scissors has a payoff matrix of the form. Player 2 RockPaperScissors Player 1 Rock 0,0-1,11,-1 Paper 1,-10,0-1,1 Scissors -1,11,-10,0
Games People Play. Nash Equilibria Thinking about simultaneous games When you and your opponent have to play simultaneously what do you do? You reason as follows: I wish to make the best reply I can to any choice my opponent makes, and I know she is thinking the same way. I know she knows the way I’m thinking. Hence we both expect each other to select mutual best replies. This defines a Nash equilibrium.
Games People Play. Nash Equilibria
Games People Play. Nash out of equilibrium
Games People Play. Dominant Strategies A dominant strategy is your best reply to whatever the other players do. If you have a dominant strategy, play it! Unfortunately, you often don’t have a dominant strategy.
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Dominant strategies Criminal #2 Criminal #2 ConfessDeny Criminal #1 Confess 10,10 1, 25 Deny 25,1 3,3
Games People Play. Dominant Strategies Example: Cigarette Advertising on TV All US tobacco companies advertise heavily on TV. Surgeon General issues official warning that cigarette smoking may be hazardous. Cigarette companies’ reaction: fear of potential liability lawsuits. Companies strike agreement: carry the warning label and cease TV advertising in exchange for immunity from federal lawsuits
Games People Play. Strategic Interactions Players: Reynolds and Philip Morris Strategies: ( Advertise, Do Not Advertise) Payoffs: Companies’ Profits Each firm earns $50 million from its customers Advertising costs a firm $20 million Advertising captures $30 million from competitor How to represent this game?
Games People Play. Dominant Strategies Normal (Strategic) Form Philip Morris No Ad Ad Reynolds Reynolds No Ad No Ad 50, 50 50, 50 20, 60 20, 60 Ad Ad 60, 20 60, 20 30, 30 30, 30 PLAYERS STRATEGIES PAYOFFS
Games People Play. Dominant Strategies Best reply for Reynolds: If Philip Morris advertises: advertise If Philip Morris does not advertise: advertise Regardless of what you think Philip Morris will do: Advertise! Philip Morris No Ad Ad Reynolds Reynolds No Ad No Ad 50, 50 50, 50 20, 60 20, 60 Ad Ad 60, 20 60, 20 30, 30 30, 30
Games People Play. Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies If a strategy is dominated, eliminate it. The size and complexity of the game is reduced. Eliminate any dominated strategies from the reduced game. Continue doing so successively.
Games People Play. Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies Example: Tourists & Natives Two bars (bar 1, bar 2) compete Can charge price of $2, $4, or $ tourists pick a bar randomly 4000 natives select the lowest price bar Example 1:Both charge $2 each gets 5,000 customers Example 2:Bar 1 charges $4 Bar 2 charges $5 Bar 1 gets =7,000 customers Bar 2 gets 3000 customers
Games People Play. Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies Example: Tourists & Natives in thousands of dollars $2$4$5 Bar 1 $2 10, 10 14, 12 14, 15 $4 12, 14 20, 20 28, 15 $5 15, 14 15, 28 25, 25 Bar 2
Games People Play. Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies Does any player have a dominant strategy? Does any player have a dominated strategy? Eliminate the dominated strategies Reduce the normal-form game Iterate the above procedure What is the equilibrium?
Games People Play. Successive Elimination of Dominated Strategies $4$5 Bar 1 $4 20, 20 28, 15 $5 15, 28 25, 25 25,25 28,15 14,15 $5$4 15,28 15,14 $5 20,20 12,14 $4 Bar 1 14,1210,10 $2 $2,,,,,,,,, Bar 2
Games People Play. What do we do when looking for dominant and dominated strategies does not yield a Nash equilibrium? Here’s the tourists and natives again but now the method of eliminating dominated strategies does not find a Nash equilibrium. Strategies of playing $2 can still be eliminate by the successive elimination of dominated strategies, but this is all. in thousands of dollars $2$4$5 Bar 1 $2 10, 10 14, 12 14, 15 $4 12, 14 20, 20 21, 18 $5 15, 14 15, 28 25, 25 Bar 2
Games People Play. What do we do when looking for dominant and dominated strategies does not yield a Nash equilibrium? 25,25 21,18 14,15 $5$4 15,24 15,14 $5 20,20 12,14 $4 Bar 1 14,1210,10 $2 $2,,,,,,,,, Bar 2 Apply another solution method. Simplify as much as possible.
Games People Play. Maximin Tourists & Natives again Bar 1 Bar 1 $4$5 $4 20, 20 21, 18 $5 15, 24 25, 25 The idea here is to minimize the damage the other player can do to you. Maximin – Choose the row or column that gives the highest minimum payoff, Bar 1 -$4, Bar 2 - $4. Bar 2
Games People Play. Minimax Regret Tourists & Natives for a third time Minimax regret requires you minimize your maximum loss. Conclusion – Bar 1 chooses $4 and bar 2 chooses $4. The regret matrix represents the difference between the a given strategy and the payoff of the best strategy. $4$5 Bar 1 Bar 1 $4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 -4,-2 $5 -5,-1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Bar 2
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Dominated strategies and dominance solvable games. Deny is a dominated strategy for both players. Confess is a dominant strategy for both players. Criminal #2 ConfessDeny Criminal #1 Confess 10,10 1, 25 Deny 25,1 3,3
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games A real example. Happy-Families produce gizmos using widgets purchased from the All American Rubber Company. Currently Happy-Families and All American have an exclusive contract. All American is the sole supplier to Happy-Families, who are All American’s sole customer. Happy- Families can choose to qualify other suppliers of widgets, which will give them a competitive supply base and also place them in a stronger bargaining position with All American. But All American can get themselves qualified by Lexmark, a move that gives them a stronger bargaining position with Happy-Families. The two moves are offsetting but qualification is expensive for both sides. This is a classic prisoners dilemma!
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games The minimax method: Finding a Nash equilibrium. In a football game an offence and defense square off, the offence’s gain is the defense’s loss so this is a zero-sum game Defense RunPassBlitzmin OffenseRun25132 Short pass Medium pass Long pass max
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games The minimax method Note first that medium pass is a weakly dominated, so we may eliminate it. But no more strategies can be eliminated by this method so the game is not dominance solvable. Now check for the minimax and maximin strategies. For defense the minimax is pass. For offense the maximin is short pass. {short pass, pass} is Nash. Defense RunPassBlitzmin OffenseRun25132 Short pass Long pass max
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Cell-by-cell inspection Nash equilibria can be found simply by cell-by-cell inspection. For each strategy of your opponents look down the column or across the row for your best reply. Then check to see if your opponent would wish to change strategy in response to your choice. If not you have found a Nash equilibrium. If she changes her strategy, keep looking.
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Continuous strategies. Often you can vary your choices continuously, instead of choosing A or B you can choose anything in between. In these circumstances you need to compute best response functions to find the Nash equilibria. The point where the best response functions cross is the Nash.
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Continuous strategies Example: The Rubber Duckie sellers, Bert and Ernie. Burt and Ernie each sell rubber duckies in the same town. They each have to choose their prices as best replies to each other. Bert finds that if Ernie charges a slightly higher price for his rubber duckies it is a best reply for him to raise his price by a little less than Ernie’s price increment. Ernie follows exactly the same strategy.
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Continuous strategies Example – The pizza sellers, Bert and Ernie. Bert's Price Ernie's Price Bert's best response Ernie's best response Nash equilibrium
Games People Play.
Simultaneous move games Three player games The street garden game Three gardeners, Tom, Dick, and Condoleezza are planning a street garden. Each has to make a voluntary contribution of their time to planting pretty flowers. The payoffs they receive from this fine project are as follows.
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Three player games The street garden game The payoffs to the three gardeners are Tom contributes Tom doesn’t contribute Find the Nash equilibria. Condoleezza CD DickC 5,5,5 3,6,3 D 6,3,3 4,4,1 CondoleezzaCD DickC 3,3,6 1,4,4 D 4,1,4 2,2,2
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Three player games The street garden game Equilibrium Tom contributes Tom doesn’t contribute Find the Nash equilibria. Condoleezza CD DickC 5,5,5 3,6,3 D 6,3,3 4,4,1 CondoleezzaCD DickC 3,3,6 1,4,4 D 4,1,4 2,2,2
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Changing the game Changing it again!!
Games People Play.
Simultaneous move games Multiple Equilibria and Focal Points The chicken game. Two cars drive straight at each other at great speed, if the cars crash you are killed, the worst possible outcome. If your opponent swerves aside and you continue in a straight line you show him to be a chicken, you gain and he loses, but he loses less than being killed! If you both swerve you miss each other and there is no gain or loss on either side. What do you do?
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Multiple Equilibria and Focal Points The chicken game. There are two Nash equilibria both associated with one player choosing straight and the other swerve. How is an equilibrium selected? Player #2 StraightSwerve Player #1 Straight -2,-2 1,-1 Swerve -1,1 0,0
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Multiple Equilibria and Focal Points In problems such as the chicken game we need a way of selecting an equilibrium. Possibilities include Rule making – the driver from the south should swerve. Focal points – historically the driver from the south has always swerved. So both drivers expect this. Strategic moves – Driver #1 fixes his steering so he can only go straight!!
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Multiple Equilibria and Focal Points In games such as the chicken game coordination difficult. If player #1 plays swerve she still prefers the other to swerve too! She may swerve but wants the other to believe she will not. This makes equilibrium selection particularly difficult In other games where both individuals prefer both equilibria to either of the alternatives coordination is easier.
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Multiple Equilibria and Focal Points Wife WrestlingPlay HusbandWrestling 2,1 0,0 Play 1,2 Battle of the sexes A husband and wife decide to go out for the evening. The husband proposes they go to watch wrestling, the wife proposes they go to see a play. They agree that neither activity will be any fun alone, and that both are better than staying home with the children.
Games People Play. Simultaneous move games Multiple Equilibria and Focal Points Wife WrestlingPlay HusbandWrestling 2,1 0,0 Play 1,2 Battle of the sexes In this case there are lesser obstacles to coordination. The players have no incentive to misrepresent their desire for coordination. Agreeing is always better than disagreeing.
Games People Play. Multiple Equilibria and Focal Points an Happy-Families Example Suppose that Happy-Families purchases a crucial component from a particular supplier. It is noticed by a Happy-Families tech support guy that a high percentage of the problems reported with the final product are associated with the failure of this component. But the component is being manufactured to exactly the tolerances specified by Happy-Families. If the supplier reengineers their component and Happy-Families reengineer how it interfaces with the product, a critical weakness in the final product can be eliminated. The product will last longer and will achieve a higher level of performance. It can thus be sold for a higher price. For both Happy-Families and the supplier the reengineering is costly and only of value if both engage in the process. This game has two equilibria as we see below.
Games People Play. Multiple Equilibria and Focal Points an Happy-Families Example Supplier No Change Reengineer Happy- Families No Change 0,0 0,-10 Reengineer -10,0 5,5 In the absence of any reengineering, Happy-Families can sell a million units a year of the final product for $200 a unit. Suppose that Happy-Families and the critical component manufacturer both reengineer, then a million units of the new superior product can be sold for $230 a unit. The cost of reengineering are $10 million each for Happy-Families and the supplier. If any gains are split evenly between Happy- Families and the supplier this gives the payoff matrix Clearly there are two equilibria {NC,NC} and {R,R}.