Should Individuals and Groups In Canada Embrace a National Identity? The Big Picture Read pages Which questions do you already know something about? Which questions seem the most interesting? Which questions seem the most challenging? Which questions do you think will be the least difficult to find out more about? The most difficult? Why? Which questions might you most look forward to studying? Least look forward to? Why?
Chapter Presentations Each student will be assigned to a group of 5 and one of the four chapters in Related Issue #4 Each group will prepare a presentation which will include the following: A presentation that does well to summarize the important aspects of your assigned chapter, which concludes with a response to your chapter issue question A student handout that summarizes your presentation A list of significant terms from your chapter and their meanings A minimum of 15 study questions (with both fact-based and inquiry questions), with answers (or suggested answers) on a separate page for the teacher only
Your Approach… There are four distinct areas that need to be covered and completed for your presentation How you complete each part is up to your group, however, you need to keep in mind that it is the entire group that will share the mark Regardless of your group’s approach, by the end of this process, each member of the group needs to have the chapter read in its entirety Attendance will count
PowerPoint When putting together your presentation, remember that you are presenting it to the class as a method to inform your peers on how to answer each of the chapter issue questions Keep it informative yet interesting, using visuals, video and other technology Give numerous opportunities for feedback/interaction between the presenters and the audience Be sure to use the textbooks website, which has a great deal of information, including each of the visuals: Your presentation has to include all of the inquiry questions in your chapter Your presentation will be marked out of the two criteria below: Presentation engages the audience and provides opportunities for feedback and interaction Presentation is supported by graphics and uses technology appropriately Presentations begin on Friday, will be in numeric order and need to be on a memory stick or in a group members profile
Student Handouts Each group will be handing in a set of four handouts: 1. A handout that summarizes your presentation 2. A list of significant terms from your chapter and their meanings 3.A minimum of 15 study questions (with both fact-based and inquiry questions) 4. A set of answers (or suggested answers) on a separate page for the teacher only The first three will be photocopied and made into a class set Your handouts will be marked as either complete or incomplete
Good Luck! You will be in the library from Monday - Thursday This category is individual. You have to attend a minimum of two days or an alternate assessment will be assigned. Three marks will be deducted from this category for each day you are missing. Handouts need to be photocopied, therefore, ALL of the handouts are due on by Thursday! Review the Handout A Chapter Presentation