A 'Level ICT Induction, 25 th June, 2015
Outline of the course AS course: INFO1 – Practical problem solving in the digital world In this unit you will perform a systems analysis in order to create products to solve a problem. You will look at: Health and safety The system life cycle Preparation of solutions Assessment:1 hour 30 minutes examination - 80 marks Coursework is taken into the examination room and forms the basis of the questions. Section A: short answer questions Section B: structured questions 50% of AS, 25% of A Level
Outline of the course AS course: INFO2 - Living in the Digital World In this unit you will learn about ICT systems and their use in the world. You will cover the following topics: ICT system components Data and information People and ICT systems Transfer of data in ICT systems Safety and security of data in ICT systems What ICT can provide Factors affecting the use of ICT Assessment: 1 hour 30 minutes examination - 80 marks Section A: short answer questions Section B: structured questions 50% of AS, 25% of A Level
Outline of the course A2 course: INFO 3 – The Use of ICT in the Digital World This unit looks at the fast changing subject of ICT, including developments in technology and ICT system capabilities, and how this might affect the world that makes use of ICT. 30% of A Level 2 hour examination marks Section A: structured questions based on pre-release material Section B: questions requiring extended answers Available in June INFO 4 - Coursework: Practical Issues Involved in the Use of ICT in the Digital World You will complete a project involving the production of an ICT-related system over an extended period of time 20% of A Level Assessment: Coursework project report, marked by centre and moderated by AQA - 70 marks
Stationery Requirements Two large folders (lever arch not ring bound) Pens – black or blue, and red Ruler Pencil and rubber Colouring pencils AQA ICT AS Textbook Memory stick or external hard drive
Bridging work Mice, keyboards, scanners are common input devices we are all used to using. In the ANPR case study it shows how the police use automatic number plate recognition to add data in to their system. Over the Summer you need to find three other uncommon input devices used by organisations and explain how they are used and why. Also: Read chapter 1 for each unit (INFO1 and INFO2) in your text book and make some notes
Active activity! A local gaming business is looking for interesting ways to interact with their games. You need to design an input device to control one of their games. Draw your input device on an A4 sheet of paper. Then we will test and evaluate how well your device works
Final Tips Ensure you purchase your stationery before arriving in September File notes after EVERY lesson Get into the habit of rereading and rewriting notes after EVERY lesson Read ahead – we will tell you what chapter to read in advance Complete all homework Ask questions when you do not understand You need to purchase the Textbook