Updates on Vertex Detector NA61/SHINE Collaboration meeting, Wrocław Oct. 8, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Updates on Vertex Detector NA61/SHINE Collaboration meeting, Wrocław Oct. 8, 2013

2 Outline 1. VD setup (full version) 2. Prototype VD geometry 3. Cooling, read-out 4. Project plan VTPC2

3 Vertex Detector (VD) NA61/SHINE detector – top view

4 VD in geant4 VTPC1 VTPC2 VDS1 : 5 cm VDS2: 10 cm VDS3: 15 cm VDS4: 20 cm

5 VD in geant4 VTPC1 VTPC2 MIMOSA-26 sensors Carbon fiber support Water cooling tubes Vessel: Rectangular top/bottom plates Trapezoidal left/right plates → same length of carbon leader → similar distance between top/bottom plates and VDS1-VDS4 → flat micro cables variation in length +/- 2cm

6 VTPC1 VTPC2 Simulation results: full version of VD 200k 0-10% central Pb+Pb at 158 GeV With perfect PID: S/B=1 for 50M events: ~ 64k D 0 + D 0 bar SNR= 197 With perfect PID: S/B=17 for 50M events: ~ 64k D 0 + D 0 bar SNR= 246 more analysis details at (Collaboration meeting in Budapest 2012)

7 VTPC1 VTPC2 Geometry for prototype VDS1 VDS4 VDS2 VDS3 Acceptance is defined by VDS4

8 VTPC1 VTPC2 Simulation results for prototype 500k 0-10% central Ar+Ar at 158 GeV Again cuts are optimized to central Pb+Pb at 158 AGeV (cuts may be relaxed for Ar+Ar) ~ 20 D 0 + D 0 bar For “no Pid” analysis S/B=11 and SNR= 4.6 Measurement with the setup2 geometry seems to be feasible if we collect ~500k central events (and if HSD yields are not significantly over-predicted) perfect Pid no Pid

9 VTPC1 VTPC2 Sensor layout (prototype)

10 VTPC1 VTPC2 Carbon ladders for prototype Carbon ladders

11 VTPC1 VTPC2 Carbon ladders for prototype Area in the center must not be covered (+/- 3mm). Do we need a special design of inner ladders (y=0)?

12 VTPC1 VTPC2 Cooling system Flow direction Flow-meter/controller Cooling plant Distribution manifold Temperature sensors Slow control unit Flow: 1000cm 3 / min to keep ΔT=1K Vessel plates (left/right)

13 VTPC1 VTPC2 Cooling system Flow direction Flow-meter/controller Cooling plant Distribution manifold Slow control unit Prototype: 12 pipes, full detector: 40 pipes

14 VTPC1 VTPC2 Cooling system Flow-meter/controller Cooling plant Distribution manifold Slow control unit Elements fixed to the vessel → moving together

15 VTPC1 VTPC2 Readout system (more in Michael's talk) Should be available soon → developed for CBM, we might profit from this development

16 VTPC1 VTPC2 Readout system Aluminum frame Primary setup handles 2 sensors, it might fit well to full VD setup

17 VTPC1 VTPC2 Vds2 layout 1. Propose setup allows for avoiding micro cables in front of sensors 2. Full Vds2 can be easily covered by two sensor structures. 3. It will work for Vds4

18 Time plan 1. Proposal submission by June the 17-th (2 years) (done) 2. Funds available late Purchases (M26, LV, Water Cooling Plant, TRB) late 2013 – beginning of Work in parallel: i) read-out (adopting to NA61, Krakow, Oskar), ii) cooling system (Krakow), iii) carbon fiber support (CERN, Grigory, Sergiey) iv) sensors quality checks and integration on support (IKF Frankfurt, Michael) 5. Integration of the system and tests on cosmics with DC (in Krakow) → will allow for synchronization test 6. Preparation for test at CERN: late 2014, beginning Integrated test for Ar+Ca: Feb – test data analysis, reco. software development Software developments: move simulation (geant4) and analysis to SHINE (Pawel, Dag)

19 Backup Slides

VTPC1 VTPC2 D 0 → K + π -, 200k 0-10% cent. Pb+Pb at 158 AGeV S/B=13 For 50M events: SNR = k D 0 +D 0 bar S/B=15 For 50M events: SNR = k D 0 +D 0 bar S/B=6.6 For 50M events: SNR = k D 0 +D 0 bar S/B=9.6 For 50M events: SNR = k D 0 +D 0 bar

21 VD in geant4 (old setup) VTPC1 VTPC2 VDS1 : 5 cm VDS2: 10 cm VDS3: 15 cm VDS4: 20 cm