V OLTS, C URRENT, AND R ESISTANCE What are they? And how do they work?
V OLTAGE The best and easiest way to describe these aspects is to think about a barrel of water with a hose sticking out the bottom.
V OLTAGE Voltage is the force, pressure, or pushing of electrons. Higher voltage= Higher force, pressure, or push. Lower voltage= Lower force, pressure, or push. Remember the battery pack?
V OLTAGE Think of this as a battery, a place where we can store a certain amount of energy then release it. When the battery drains to a certain amount, the pressure begins to go down. This is the decreasing voltage in the battery. Think of a dimming flashlight, as the battery dies and voltage drops and the light dims. This is due to the decreasing voltage in the battery, also decreasing the flow of water in the hose. Which brings us to current.
C URRENT OR AMPERAGE Current is simply the flow of electrons through the circuit. Current can be identified as Amps, or Current.
C URRENT OR AMPERAGE Wire thickness also plays a role in current flow. The thinner the wire the less current that can flow. The thicker the wire the more current that can flow.
R ESISTANCE Imagine again our two tanks filled to the same level. One tank has a narrow hose the other has a large hose. The tank with the smaller hose is going to restrict/resist the low of water through the hose. Allowing LESS current to flow through.