January 26, 2011 Lesson Fourteen
Key Question: Why does Jesus tell us about signs of his coming?
1. What are the signs that remind us that Jesus is coming? a. Matthew 24:4-8 Wars, famines, earthquakes b. Matthew 24:9-13 False teachers, persecution, love growing cold c. Matthew 24:14 The Gospel spreads d. Mt 24:23,24 & 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 The man of lawlessness is revealed
2. What do these signs lead us to do? a. Matthew 24:42-44 Always be ready and watching
2. What do these signs lead us to do? b. Matthew 24:45-51 By busy with the work the Lord gives me to do c. Luke 21:28 Anticipate his coming with eager joy
3. Who is this man of lawlessness? a. 2 Thessalonians 2:4-12 ✔ Opposes God's truth (4) ✔ Sets himself up in God's visible church (4) ✔ At work already in Paul's day (7) ✔ Will continue until Jesus comes (8) ✔ Will be defeated by Jesus' Word (8) ✔ Will do false miracles (9)
Only the Papacy in the Roman Catholic Church matches all these points. It opposes Jesus Christ by saying we must help pay for our sin. The Pope claims for himself Christ's place as the head of the church. Antichrist: Someone who tries to take the place of Christ
Rapture: The false teaching that Jesus will return secretly before the last day to snatch away believers Millennialism: The false teaching that Jesus will return to reign a 1000 years on earth as an earthly king
4. How can I be safe from false teaching? a. John 15:7 ✔ Stay in Jesus ✔ Keep his word in you ✔ Pray for God's protection knowing that he will answer for Jesus' sake
5. What will happen when Jesus comes? a. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15 ✔ He will visibly return with his angels ✔ He will raise the dead ✔ He will take all believers to be with him forever.
b. Matthew 25:31-46 ✔ He will judge all people ✔ The good that believers do out of love for Jesus is the evidence of faith in their heart ✔ Believers receive heaven as an unearned inheritance ✔ Unbelievers are punished forever in hell
Key Question: Why does Jesus tells us about signs of his coming? Jesus wants me to eagerly watch for him by faithfully serving him and by gladly studying his Word as I guard against false teaching