1004pensfund 1 North Yorkshire Pension Fund Employer Consultation 25th October 2004 John Moore Treasurer to NYPF
1004pensfund 2 Agenda Funding Strategy Statement (i) -principles 2004 Valuation results Funding Strategy Statement (ii) -key issues for employers -impact of alternative investment strategies Open Discussion John Moore Chris Hull (Mercer) Chris Hull & John Moore
1004pensfund 3 Funding Strategy Statement (FSS) key points structure/content
1004pensfund 4 Key Points to Address compulsory for all LGPS schemes consult with all relevant interested parties be approved, and published, by Pension Fund Committee by 31/03/05 revised (and republished) whenever material change Actuary have regard to FSS in Valuation process CIPFA guidance published
1004pensfund 5 Structure / Contents purpose of FSS aims/purpose of the Fund responsibilities of key parties solvency/target funding levels links to Statement of Investment Principles risks and counter-measures
1004pensfund 6 Purpose of FSS to establish a clear and transparent fund-specific strategy that will identify how employers’ pension liabilities are best met going forward to support regulatory requirement to maintain as nearly constant employer contribution rate as possible to take a prudent longer term view of funding these liabilities
1004pensfund 7 Aim of Fund keep employer contribution rates as nearly constant as possible manage employers’ liabilities ensure sufficient resources available to meet these liabilities as they fall due maximise investment return within defined risk parameters
1004pensfund 8 Purpose of Fund To receive £contributions investment returns transfer values To pay out £benefits transfer values costs/expenses
1004pensfund /04 Actuals Receipts£m Contributions Employee Employer Inter Fund Transfers (net)5.6 Investment return12.5 ____ 83.3 Payments£m Benefits paid annual lump sum Administrative Costs0.9 Investment costs Net cash surplus in year
1004pensfund 10 Responsibilities of Key Parties administering authority individual employer fund actuary -prepare Valuation -refer to FSS -to agree assumptions -set employer contribution rates via Protocol
1004pensfund 11 Link to Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) define investment strategy that (hopefully) will produce returns compatible with -FSS -triennial valuation assumptions
1004pensfund 12 Risks and Counter Measures Financial -investment returns -pay awards -pensions increase Demographic -longevity -early retirements / ill health Regulations -changes to LGPS regulations -changes to national Pension regime -changes to Inland Revenue rules
1004pensfund 13 Solvency/Target Funding Levels Key assumptions re achieving 100% funding Deficit recovery period Investment returns Big Question? Same assumption for all employers? local authority → Council Tax impact (the ultimate guarantee) non local authority → financial standing ?
1004pensfund 14 ACTUARIAL VALUATION ‘er contribution rates Liability profile Solvency ANNUAL NYPF BUDGET Asset Liability Study Employers Budgets Risk Budget RewardTolerance FUNDING STRATEGY STATEMENT (wef 1/4/05) FUND OBJECTIVES Asset Classes INVESTMENT POLICY ( SIP) CUSTOMISED BENCHMARK Performance Monitoring FUND MANAGERS Balanced BGI BGHSL Niche x 4 additional income net positive cash flow Council Tax