SERVER A server is a computer or a device on a network, that manages network resources. The term server is also used to refer to the computer that makes serving of information possible. It is a computer that delivers informations and software to other computers linked by the network. A server is a computer that handles requests for data, e- mail,file transfers and other network services from other computers (i.e clients).
TYPES OF SERVER File server Web server Proxy server Mail server
SERVERS (contd) A computer that stores applications and data files for all workstations on a network is referred to as a File Server. A Web Server is a computer program (housed in the computer) that serves requested HTML pages or files. A Proxy Server is a server acting as an intermediary or a middle person between a client application such as a web browser and the real server such as internet. A host server which holds messages for clients is a Mail Server.
PROXY SERVER PROXY or otherwise known as, “application level gateway” is an application acting as a connection between the sender and the receiver.It works on the concept of proxy. Proxy server can also be defined as a server which allows the client server to make indirect network connections to other network services. There is an indirect communication between the client server and the real server through the proxy server. Client makes all its requests from the proxy server which then makes the requests from the real server and passes the result back to the client server. In a manner it reduces the work load on the real server side thus making it more efficient and fast.
NEED OF PROXY SERVER Proxy servers are software packages installed in corporate networks and ISP’s to help speed up the internet connections,save bandwidth and to provide certain types of securities. Broadly the applications of proxy servers can be categorized as: 1. SECURITY to the client through firewall application. 2. FILTERING 3. CACHING MEMORY to save the web pages requested by the client.
SECURITY FEATURES OF PROXY SERVERS Proxy server is used to provide additional security between a computer and the internet often in conjunction with a firewall. Firewall is a software which prevents the direct connection between a computer and the internet.In other words it is a security feature that protects the enterprise network from outside intrusion. All the HTTP requests from local network pass through the proxy server and similarly all information retrieved from the internet comes back via the proxy server and is then passed back to the client. When a high level security is required,a proxy server may be used to provide a gateway between a local area network and the internet.
FILTERING FEATURES OF PROXY SERVERS Filter is a software located between client and server Proxy server filters requests that enter a network and improve performance by fulfilling small requests before they are sent to the network. Proxy servers can also be used to filter requests in other way.For example a company might use a proxy to prevent its employees from accessing a specific set of websites.
CACHING MEMORY Proxy servers can improve performance for groups of users.This is because it saves the results of all requests for a certain amount of time. Since the proxy server is often on the same network as the user,this is a much faster operation. Real proxy servers support hundreds or thousands of users.
TYPES OF PROXY SERVERS There are several types of proxies – 1. HTTP proxy 2. SOCKS proxy
HTTP and SOCKS proxy HTTP proxy server is a proxy allowing to work on the Internet with HTTP and FTP protocols.It can carry out caching of information downloaded from the Internet. SOCKS is a networking proxy protocol that enables hosts on one side of a SOCKS server to gain full access to hosts on the other side of the SOCKS server without requiring direct IP-reach ability.
ANNONYMITY OF HTTP PROXY SERVER Transparent Anonymous Distorting High Anonymous
TRANSPARENT PROXY SERVER A transparent proxy server works transparently. That is a web request can be intercepted by the proxy, transparently. In transparent proxy server there may be three things occurred – You want to force clients on your network to use the proxy, whether they want to or not. You want clients to use a proxy, but don't want them to know they're being proxied. You want clients to be proxied, but don't want to go to all the work of updating the settings in hundred of web browsers
NEED OF TRANSPARENT PROXY SERVER Security to clients Caching memories
SQUID TRANSPARENT PROXY SERVER Squid is a highly flexible,widely used internet proxy-caching server. It works on a variety of platform including LINUX,UNIX & MICROSOFT WINDOWS. It improves the network performance by reducing the amount of bandwidth used when surfing the web. It makes the web pages load faster and can even be used to reduce the load on web server. It prevents the users from visiting inappropriate sites at work or colleges, ensure that only authorised users can surf the internet.
HOW TO CONFIGURE SQUID The squid is configured by edited the configuration file squid.conf It is located in /etc/squid/squid.conf
CLIENT WORKING OF SQUID SERVER Squid proxy server real server
DOMAIN NAME SERVER(DNS) Domain name server is an internet service that translates host names into IP address. It allows machines to be logically grouped by name domains. HOW DOES IT WORK 1. Name server receives the request first. 2. If name server doesn’t have answer,it either ask the root server or forward the request to another name server. 3. Ultimately response from the upstream server can be the final answer or referral to another name server.
CONFIGURATION OF DNS SERVER Rpm packages to configure the system as DNS server are:– # rpm –q bind # rpm –q bind - utils # rpm –q bind – chroot Daemons required are - 1. Named 2. Rndc Scripts required - named Port required – 53 (domain),953 (rndc) Configs under - /etc/named.conf /var/named/chroot /var/named/* /etc/rndc.* Related – caching–name server,open ssl
APACHE SERVER The Apache server is a powerful,flexible,HTTP/1.1 compliant web server and highly configurable and extensible. Process control 1. Spawn process before needed 2. Adapt number of processes to demand Dynamic module loading – run time extensibility without compiling. Virtual hosts – multiple websites may share the web server.
CONFIGURATION OF APACHE SERVER The rpm packages required for the configuration of an APACHE server – 1. httpd 2. httpd_devel Daemons - httpd Scripts – httpd Ports – 80(http),443(https) Configuration /etc/httpd/* /var/www/* Related –system config httpd,mod_ssl
CONFIGURATION OF SQUID SERVER The packages required for the configuration of the squid - #rpm –q | grep squid Daemon required – squid Script required – squid Port required – 3128(squid) Configuration - /etc/squid/squid.conf
DISADVANTAGES OF PROXY CACHING Bottleneck. Second order effect Refreshed pages Measurement uncertainities
CONCLUSION Thus we conclude that the common reason to use a transparent proxy is to reduce the set up load for web browsers and to make the browsing faster and efficient.If end users are using browsers that are known to behave well with transparent proxies and the machine designated,as the proxy is capable of handling the load,a transparent proxy can be an effective solution.A number of security features makes it more safe and easy to configure. THANK YOU