Earning stars and awards You can earn a Safety Online Award. This gives an extra page and certificate.
Personal statistics
Mediators Closely monitored by online mediators who respond almost instantly and watch all activity. Cannot embed from other websites. Cannot discuss other websites. Cannot link to other websites
Global Communication Children can communicate with other children but teachers are only viewers. Teachers can communicate with their own school children but not others.
Vetting adults SCP follows 2nd life rules. Registering requires the birthdates for our children. When they reach 12 years old, they are denied entry. (They can move on) Staff are presumed to have been police vetted. Therefore parents are not allowed access to their children’s accounts.
ULTRANET Once learners have completed all their badges, then we can allow building to begin on the SCP school site. The ministry are expecting all schools to be using e-portfolios by Children can build from home. The ICT standards have been linked to the Australian ICT curriculum.
Key Competencies SCP fits nicely with our Key Competency. For example Managing self: making plans, managing projects, setting high standards. For example: Participating and contributing: SCP has a sense of belonging, children will have confidence to participate through attaining their stars, understanding the importance of balancing rights, roles and responsibilities, understanding the importance of contributing to the quality, sustainability of social, cultural, physical online environment.
Is this another add on?? Teachers can build pages that will match classroom learning. For example mathematics. Children can upload anything except video but these are cleared first before they go live into the library for anyone else in SCP to access. There is scope for our children to extend themselves because of the self monitoring system in place.
Appraisal At Newmarket all teachers will be expected to learn alongside the children. This will be part of teacher appraisal. The senior school are allocated an hour each week. The junior school will be targeted from Room 4 and up in term 1 with teacher professional development as part of ICT skills building. The rest of the junior school teacher professional development will take place in term 2.
Web2 tools This year Superclubsplus will faze over from wikispaces and class blogs. Wikispaces can still be kept if teachers want to use them as places for co- construction of theme areas. Research has shown not to delete online work. Blogs can be used for home school communication by teachers.
Why are we using Superclubsplus Free, Fun, Transparent, Learn technical skills, Learn about being safe online. Newmarket School have been chosen as one of the Pilot Schools for New Zealand.