Artificial Intelligence: The CyberArt of Being Human Jerry B. Weinberg Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science And Occasional Futurist
What is Intelligence? Expert Tasks –Medical Diagnosis –Airplane Mechanic Formal Tasks –Mathematics –Game Playing Creative Tasks –Painting –Music Composition Everyday Tasks –Visual recognition –Language understanding
Intelligence The ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment The ability to learn or understand or to deal with new situations –Storing knowledge (facts about a subject) –Reasoning (putting facts together to achieve a goal) –Learning (new knowledge and skill refinement) –Perception (interpreting the environment)
Goals of Artificial Intelligence Human Performance Ideal Performance ThinkingSystems that think like human Cognitive Science Systems that think rationally Formal Logic BehaviorSystems that act like humans Turing Test Systems that act rationally Heuristic Reasoning
Reasoning: State Space Search State Space –The space of all possible states of a problem –The actions that can be applied to a state Solving a problem: State Space Search –From a starting state search for a solution by applying possible actions –Goal test Example: –How could you find your car? –States: locations where you are –Actions: moving from one point to the next –Goal test: Being in the same location as your car
Exhaustive Search vs. Intelligent Search
Heuristic Reasoning Heuristic –“Rule of thumb” –a way to measure good a state is to get to your goal Examples –Parking: what would be a good heuristic to find your car?
Knowledge Representation Data Information Knowledge –Data is a collection of raw values –Information is derived facts from values –Knowledge is information applied to a problem Knowledge representation encodes information in a program in such a way that it can be applied to a problem
Solve These Problems What is the name of this shape? 432 X 14 = How many windows are in your house?
Knowledge Representations: Theories of Cognition Rule-based Model-based Case-based Neural Networks Bayesian Networks Formal Logic Different Problems require different ways to represent the knowledge and different ways of reasoning.
AI’s are physical symbol systems –Symbols and symbols structures that can be manipulated syntactically by a set of processes –The symbol structure can be interpreted semantically
Symbol Grounding Problem 4 apples – 1 apple = 3 apples Where does a symbol get its “meaning” How does a computer “understand” what the symbol means? How do we understand what a symbol means?
The Difficulties of Being a Futurist The future is difficult to predict –Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943 “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers” –Ken Olson, President of DEC, 1977 “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” –Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft, 1981 “640 Kilobytes ought to be enough for anybody.” Things are not always used for what they are design to do –Arpanet (original Internet) was designed for robust communication in the event of a war. –We are now using it to order dog food and post pictures of our spring break vacation.
Where is the AI? Microsoft Office Helpers NBA Scout Furby Wal-Mart Stocker Batman the Movie Half-life The Sims NASA
Creative AI’s AARON the cyberartist –Knowledge of objects and colors –Creates original paintings The Cyber Poet –“Reads” books and creates a language model –Uses the model to create original hiaku’s Soul A haiku written by Ray Kurzweil's Cybernetic Poet after reading poems by John Keats and Wendy Dennis You broke my soul the juice of eternity, the spirit of my lips.
Computer Power Apple IIe, 1983 –1 Mhz, $1,400 Dell PC, Today –4 2 Ghz processors, $900
Embedded Computers: Embedded AI Augmented Reality Ubiquitous Computing –GPS: Path Finding –Security Face Recognition
Robotics A machine able to extract information from its environment and use knowledge about its world to move safely in a meaningful manner A robot is an active, artificial agent whose environment is the physical world Physically Embodied Computation The Real World is a Harsh Place Inaccessible: an agent can only perceive near-by stimuli and has limited attention Non-deterministic: the real world has a lot of uncertainty Dynamic: the environment is changing while the robot is reasoning and acting
Teleprescence The next best thing to being there? –Meetings, building inspections, home doctor visits, search & rescue SOE Tour Guide
Autonomous Robots Mobile Robotics –Maintenance –Construction –Entertainment
Autonomous Robots Robotics –Productivity –Service –Human- Computer Interaction
Everyone can be a robot scientist Robot Kits between $200 - $2000