Statutory and Core Funding ▪ General Assembly, June 2014 ▪ 3 Meetings of the Bureau (plus 3 meetings via skype) and of the Executive ▪ One member of the Bureau replaced ▪ 2 new networks became members – Croatia and Latvia ▪ Secured Core Grant for 2015 – albeit reduced ▪ Funding for 2014 – Semester Allinace, but did not secure project Semester Alliance funding for a further year 2015
EAPN Strategic Objective 1.1: Ensure that the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Platform Against Poverty, the Social Inclusion Strategy, the Social Investment Package, & Employment and Cohesion policies deliver progress: ●Mainstream Social Concerns ●Reduce Poverty and Inequality ●Policies, programmes & intervention to Reach People living in Poverty
Core Policy Work on Europe 2020 ▪ 3 EU ISG meetings (February, May and October) ▪ Toolkit on stakeholder engagement updated ▪ CSRs: Exchange Workshop and EAPN assessment of 2013 CSRs, preparing alternative proposals CSRs 2014 (Feb); Finalization of Report with country annexes. Review of CSRs (June) with Press Release. ▪ NRPs: Exchange and EAPN Report on the 2014 National Reform Programmes and the National Social Reports (May) basis for EAPN Key Messages on AGS (Sept). ▪ EAPN Position Paper/input to Mid-Term Review of the Europe 2020 Strategy, launched at the annual EAPN conference and response to the EC consultation. ▪ 2 joint events: one with ETUC and hosted by the S&D group on Decent work in the Parliament, EU Alliance for investing in children on capacity building at side event in Annual Convention. ▪ 2 side events in Annual Convention with Solidar, EWL, EMW, AGE on adequate income through the life cycle; Roma Active Inclusion with Eurodiaconia, and speaking in 5 workshops: ▪ EAPN Annual Conference – How will the Europe 2020 Mid-Term Review reduce poverty & inequality (October) - key inputs, conference report, PR. ▪ Lobbying actions: letters to European Council, EPSCO, press releases, messages to AGS / JER and Annual Convention etc. Inputs to EP reports on the European Semester and AGS. ▪ Meetings with Andor/Fransen/Barroso/Van Rompuy/EC officials. SPC chair and MEPs/EMPL. ▪ Participation in EC dialogue: EPAP, Structural Funds, Roma.
EU Semester Alliance Project EAPN coordinates Alliance funded by Commission for 1 year with 16 social/green NGOs/trade unions aimed at promoting a more democratic, social and sustainable Semester through stronger civil dialogue. Main activities: Tool Kit for stakeholder engagement in Semester (May) Cross-sectoral capacity building workshop (June) and report (Dec) Preparation of Joint Alternative Proposals on CSRs (April) and a key joint report assessing the Semester (Sept) 2 lobbying events: in EESC (April 2014) and EP: December 2014 working with cross-party group of MEPS with reports. Funding of 3 National Pilot Cross-sectoral Alliances: DK, IE, BG with own work programmes of action/publications. Joint Communication/Advocacy Strategy/blog with Joint Press releases, Letters to Council/Parl, meetings with MEPs. See
Policy Work on Cohesion/Structural Funds ●20% EU money for poverty reduction campaign, with 18 NGOs was successful in In 2014, follow up engaging members in monitoring committees, with new Operational programmes, debate with Commission Structured Dialogue. ●Joint lobbying with NGOs and MEPs on FEAD in 2013 and early 2014, EP Employment Ctte report. Joint PR welcoming new fund of 499 bn Euros asking for broader approach and consistent NGO engagement in programme. ●SFs Toolkit for the new programming round resulting from 2013 Task Force. ●Handbook on delivering social inclusion through SFs produced ●Briefing & template letter on CLLD and partnership approaches
Other EAPN Policy Work 1 st Task Force: Produced publication: Giving a voice to citizens: Guidelines for Stakeholder Engagement; presented at European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty, EESC, SPC; Action note for EAPN members discussed in EUISG.. ●2 nd Task Force: Decent Work / Living Wage Campaign; joint ETUC/EAPN event in the EP presented the Quality Work Explainer, and a Concept and Feasibility Note, and a Campaign Guide for the Living Wage Campaign, aimed at the EAPN membership produced. ●3 rd Task Force: Migration and poverty: report delayed due to staff and budget cuts, publication finalized and discussed in July ●1 Policy Briefing delivered in 2014 and 2 Policy Updates. ●Other publications: Youth Inclusion paper, and the EAPN Explainer on Poverty & Inequality in the EU. Active Inclusion template letter & 10 arguments leaflet. ●Total publications : 9 position papers/reports; 10 letters; 3 EAPN books and 15 Press Release. ●Contribution to Projects: DRIVERS, EMIN, COPE, WILCO.
EAPN Objective 2.1: EAPN will seek in a transparent fashion to: ●actively engage members expertise EAPN Objective 2.2.: ●provide opportunities for mutual learning, transfer of knowledge in the fight against poverty
Network Development: MASS ▪Membership Assessment and Support System further developed by Exco as framework for development of networks with four pillars (1. ability to influence national governments; 2 participation of people experiencing poverty in internal and external workings; 3. development and growth of Networks; and 4. good governance and strong internal democracy) ▪EAPN Iceland and Macedonia took part in the MASS ▪Capacity building on the use of and follow up of MASS held in November
EAPN Strategic Objective 3.1: ●promote and strengthen the participation of people experiencing poverty within its internal workings EAPN Strategic Objective 3.2 ●encourage and strengthen the self organisation.. EAPN Strategic Objective: ●..seek out and promote good practices
Network Development: work with EOs, enlargement, capacity building ▪European Organisation members active in Task Forces, Statutory & Working groups ▪EAPN Croatia and EAPN Latvia applied for and got membership ▪EAPN renewed Training and Capacity Building Agenda adopted by Executive Committee
Participation of People Experiencing Poverty: 13 th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty - key messages and reports published. Support sought from Commission and Luxemburg Presidency to support 2015 PeP Meeting. Developed contacts with the President of the European Parliament to seek support for a Hearing of People Experiencing Poverty EAPN uses procedures to ensure that Activists with direct experience of poverty are active in our Stautory Groups, Our Key Policy Group and in Task Forces that we set up. We also try to ensure visibility and participation of the perspectives from people experiencing poverty in our key events, for example by use of a video in our main policy conference in Worked to ensure an active role People Experiencing Poverty in the way the EMIN project was delivered. MASS follow up ensures a systematic follow up of how EAPN is integrating participation of people experiencing poverty in EAPN work at National and EU levels.
Projects and Fund Raising Project Development: has been the most developed area of our fund raising strategy: We have implemented our work programme under the EMIN Project (Minimum Income – all Networks and 2 EOs involved) and DRIVERS Project (health inequalities – 5 Networks involved). We made a successful work to ensure a follow up call for work on Adequate Minimum Income We were on advisory groups of the Reference Budget Project, the IMPROVE Project (Social Innovation), the WILCO Project (welfare innovations local level) and COPE Project (integrated approaches to active inclusion) We submitted or contributed to 6 new project proposals, only one of which was successful (ReInvest) and one still awaits the result (Minimum Income in Spain). The other four were relating to (A Western Balkan Network, Roma and Poverty, Gender and Poverty, and a training course on EU Anti-Poverty policies)
Projects and Fund Raising Other areas of EAPN Fund Raising Strategy: Defend Use of Public Funds for Anti-Poverty Organisations: Have continued to build awareness on the importance of public funding as part of supporting a balanced participatory democracy in interventions with institutional actors. Individual Donations: Idea developed for a more coordinated effort to raise funds through individual donations. Event Fund Raising: Finlaised all work in relation to row4rights (approximately Euro raised and a lot learned). Major Donors: Work stalled as we develop principles in relation to the acceptance of sponsorship from major donors. Working with other European level NGOs on this.
Projects and Fund Raising EAPN Fund in the King Baudouin Foundation: Grants previously awarded: Followed up and received reports for grants allocated (EAPN Netherlands, Estonia, Greece -report to follow- SMES Europa and PeP. Loan to EAPN Hungary. Grants to support activities in EAPN Work Porgramme – EAPN Alliances, Learning Forum, and EAPN Award) Next Round Of National Networks Solidarity Grants: Agreed principles and procedures for next call which was issued in 2015
Communication Work General Full work programme linked to advocacy work, to publications, press releases, campaigns, projects delivered : core work + Semester Alliance + EMIN + PeP Meeting + EU Elections campaign. Budget cuts (!) loss of French on EAPN website & publications loss of EAPN Magazine social media activities: Increased traffic and impact (Facebook, Twitter)
Communication Work General Media EU Elections Campaign, Meeting of PeP and Annual Convention were 3 major events. 14 articles in media – 6 about EU Elections campaign’s launch (+radio interviews). Increased communications work on Meetings of PeP positive impact on media coverage & online visibility of Meetings (particularly with dedicated website EAPN spoke at many meetings where our publications were available and widely taken
Communication Work Deliverables | publications 9 position papers/Reports 10 letters (4 “EAPN-only” letters + 3 joint letters + 3 Semester Alliance letters) 3 EAPN books 15 press releases 12 Flash newsletters sent out – low number, compensated by website update improved + template of the Flash improved Active Inclusion Leaflet
Communication Work Deliverables | websites & al. EP Elections Campaign website EAPN EP Elections Campaign postcard (for our national networks to use/print) European Meetings of People experiencing Poverty website European Meetings of People experiencing Poverty video the-ground-video-from-2014-pep-meeting/ the-ground-video-from-2014-pep-meeting/ + EAPN Poster for Annual Convention
Communication Work Electing Champions campaign – EP Elections Fruitful & successful experience for EAPN working with with significant involvement of members, particularly NN 82 elected MEPs (over 10%) took EAPN’s pledge 274 candidates to the elections + extra support from officials 17 national networks involved (11 national networks could not take part due to lack of resources or because involved in joint campaigning at national level). Meeting with EOs created good synergy Specific campaign tools (website social media, online shared folder, postcard…) Good Media impact at national + EU level (Euractiv, Euronews, Europolitics, Europost).
Communication Work Semester Alliance EAPN coordinated communications work Communications Strategy task force set up with SA members Created and maintained SA website Deliverables (templates, layouts, google drive shared folder)
Communication Work Training on ICTs for EAPN members (Dec 2013) Very positive evaluation & output in the course of 2014 – boosted collaborative use of social media Amongst members present Snowball effect with other members EAPN’s 2014 EP Elections Campaign as concrete study case, the training also contributed to the campaign’s success and to creating some momentum amongst members. Very positive experience of work carried out together at national and EU levels. See page on members’ room Training on Information and Communications Technologies and social media for social NGOs and How to get heard in the mediaTraining on Information and Communications Technologies and social media for social NGOs and How to get heard in the media
Alliances Social Platform European Semester Alliance Alliance on Investing in Children Joint Social Conference / Alter Summit EuroMemorandum Dignity International
EAPN Key Statistics 2014 EAPN representatives spoke at 46 EU level events 21 publications (Reports, Position papers, Briefings, Toolkits, Key Messages) Nearly 4000 hard copies printed, most of which distributed 30 distinct information and promotional materials (flash, PRs, leaflets, posters) 901 individuals took part in 25 events organised by EAPN at European level – roughly the same as in Many of these individuals had repeated engagement in EAPN and their engagement in EAPN has a multiplier effect at the National level 8 events were evaluated in writing and around 70% agreed that it matched their needs, and that they got relevant knowledge which they could apply in their own work. Average figure of 1100 unique monthly visits to our website 2500 people receive the EAPN Flash the Press Releases – 1800 contacts get Mailchimp mailings.
For more information, please access the full activity reports (core work & joint alliance work) on the Members’ RoomMembers’ Room (Useful Tools) User-name: eapn Password: 1515