Chapter 3 Family Trends Today
What is a Family? Two or more people living in the same household who are related by blood (birth), marriage, or adoption.
Types of Families Nuclear Family: husband wife and biological children. Extended Family: Includes several generations living under one roof. Stepfamily: When single parent gets married. Blended. Adoptive Family: when married couple or single person legally is granted permission by the state to raise another persons child. Foster Family: when an adult provides a temporary home for a child who is unable to live with there biological parents. Childless Family: when a married couple does not have children.
Family Life Cycle The Beginning Stage: when a married couple starts to build their lives together. The Childbearing Stage: The couples has their first child The Parenting Stage: Couple raises their children through school-age to teen years. The Launching Stage: the couples children leaves the home to live on their own. The Mid-years Stage: Couple often faces an empty nest and may redefine their priorities. The Age Stage: Couple retires and focuses on their interests.
Ethnic or Cultural Diverse Families Some families come from different backgrounds, languages, races, ethnicities, religions, and socioeconomic.
Concerns of Families Today Divorce, Step parenting, Workplace issues, Balancing Work and Family, and Job stress. Handout “Coping with Family Concerns” will be Homework tonight. Please take out your agenda and copy this down.
Economic Impact on Families Some problems that families have in the economy are recession mode; slowing down in the economy. Recovery mode; things start to look up again. Expansion mode; unemployment rates are usually lower. Standard of Living; is a measure of the wealth, comforts, and material goods available to them. Handout “The Impact of Family Finances” will be completed.
Family with Special Needs This can include physical disabilities, cognitive disabilities, emotional and behavioral problems, and learning disorders. Children with special needs often need extra help and may be temporary or life long help with that kid. Some needs for children with disabilities are a special needs teacher, counselor, psychologist, school administrator, and at least one general education teacher.
Let’s Create a Graphic Organizer! Please label your paper Chapter 3 Families Today “Special Needs” Create a 4 column chart that looks like this: In each column, write a summary of each type of special need. Then together we will talk about examples of how IDEA may impact students with disabilities. Physical Disabilities Learning Disorders Socio- emotional Disorders Giftedness