A Type I Center, Located at the University of Florida in the College of Engineering. Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Meet the staff John Schert, Director Marcia Marwede, Coordinator Rhonda Rogers, Information Specialist Kim Stenger, OPS Diana Stetter, OPS
The Center sponsors and conducts research at nine universities. The Center also operates five web sites providing information to hundreds of thousands of “visitors” per year.
Since 1988… The Center has: Funded more than 100 research projects Published more than 100 research reports Provided funding for more than 120 students in research projects at nine different universities Contracted with more than 46 principal investigators
The Center's functions include: sponsoring research at Florida's universities; responding to requests for information; and responding to public education and public service needs.
A 24-member Advisory Board provides guidance to the Center Members represent... 9 universities 5 industries 5 local governments 2 state government 3 consultants
Advisory Board Chairman: Bob Hyres Waste Pro, Inc. Longwood, Florida Co-Chairman: Edward H. Kalajian, Ph.D, Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, Florida
The Center's research program is designed to: Develop good scientific information on solid and hazardous waste issues/problems/solutions; and transfer research results to the public and private sectors.
Florida A&M University Florida Atlantic University Florida Institute of Technology Florida State University University of Central Florida University of Florida University of Miami University of South Florida University of West Florida Faculty at nine universities are the primary recipients of research funding:
Construction & Demolition Debris Electronic Waste Hazardous Waste Management Incineration Landfills Medical Waste Management Principle research areas include: Municipal Solid Waste Management Pollution Prevention Recycling and Reuse Socioeconomic Issues Special Wastes Waste Reduction
Research Needs Survey The Center conducts an annual research needs telephone survey. More than 1000 people are surveyed by phone. Responses from the survey are compiled and sent out to the survey respondents, FDEP staff and the Center’s Advisory Board for vote. An agenda is drafted, based on the outcome of the votes received. The agenda is approved by the Advisory Board.
Research Selection A request for proposals is issued and researchers from Florida’s universities are invited to submit a proposal. The Research Selection Committee, appointed by the Chair of the Center’s Advisory Board, oversees the research selection process.
Research Selection Committee
Mr. Bill Gilley, Senior Director Lake County Solid Waste, DeLand Mr. David Gregory, Solid Waste Manager Seminole County Environmental Service Department, Sanford Mr. Bill Hinkley, Chief, Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Waste Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee Ms. Nandra Weeks, P.E. GeoSyntec Consultants, Jacksonville Ms. Ana Wood, Director Polk County Solid Waste Division Winter Haven
Research Agenda
How can CCA-treated wood be recovered after it is taken out of service? What should be done with it? Should it be treated as a special waste stream? Can CCA-treated wood be disposed of in an unlined C&D landfill or a lined Class I landfill? Can CCA- treated wood be burned in a waste-to-energy plant that burns municipal solid waste? CCA- Treated Wood
How can we inexpensively dispose of electronic wastes, such as cell phones, CRTs, electronic switching equipment, etc.? What is the most practical and economically feasible method of E- waste collection and recycling? Electronic Waste
Landfill Issues How can/should closed landfills be utilized? What are good uses for closed landfills? What can be done to allow a slurry wall landfill to be operated as a bioreactor? What are the long-term options for leachate disposal? What will the solid waste community be doing with leachate 50 years from now? What are the viable long-term options for disposal? What is cost effective? What makes sense?
Special Wastes What should be done with biosolids in counties where land application of biosolids is difficult? What is the best way of disposing of biosolids in landfills? How can we rid wastewater sludge (biosolids) of odor? What are the proper practices for disposing and handling lime sludge?
CCA-Treated Wood
Extent of CCA- Treated Wood Used for Commercial Mulch Helena Solo-Gabriele, Ph.D., P.E. University of Miami Timothy Townsend, Ph.D. University of Florida
Developing Retention Indices and Modeling Transport of CCA in Florida Soils at Unlined Landfills Clayton Clark, Ph.D., Tait Chirenje, Ph.D., Michael Annable, Ph.D., Kirk Hatfield, Ph.D. and Lena Ma, Ph.D. University of Florida
Management and Disposal Options for CCA-Treated Wood Waste Helena Solo-Gabriele, Ph.D., P.E. University of Miami Timothy Townsend, Ph.D. UF
Hazardous Wastes
Update to Include info on Asbestos. Timothy Townsend, Ph.D. University of Florida
Landfill Issues
Control of Odors from Construction and Demolition Debris Landfills Debra Reinhart, Ph.D., P.E. University of Central Florida Timothy Townsend, Ph.D. University of Florida
Decentralized Landfill Leachate Treatment Systems that Produce Reusable Water for On-Site Irrigation William Cooper, Ph.D. Florida State University
Bioreactive Landfill Cover Systems Tarek Abichou, Ph.D. Danuta Leszczynska, Ph.D. FAMU-FSU
Design of Cost-Effective Lysimeters for Alternative Landfill Cover Demonstration Projects Tarek Abichou, Ph.D. Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D. FAMU-FSU
Assessment of True Impacts of E-Waste Disposal in Florida Timothy Townsend, Ph.D. University of Florida
Compliance Assistance to Small Businesses
To assist small businesses in complying with state regulations, the Center has produced 11 brochures targeting: agricultural pesticide users auto repair shop dry cleaners fiber-reinforced plastics (boat & spa) manufacturers furniture refinishers laboratories paint and body shops photo shops printed circuit board manufacturers printers pharmaceutical companies The agricultural pesticide users, laboratories and fiber-reinforced plastic brochures will be updated and reprinted this year.
Florida Automotive Recyclers Handbook This guide outlines Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the management of wastes associated with the recycling of vehicles.
Compost Use in Florida This guide presents an overview of some of the beneficial uses of composts in Florida and discusses the factors that influence the production, quality, and use of compost
Effects of Compost on Arsenic Leachability in Soils and Arsenic Uptake by a Fern Aziz Shiralipour, Ph.D. University of Florida/IFAS School of Forest Resources and Conservation
Angela Lindner, Ph.D. University of Florida Investigation of Production and Beneficial Use Practices of Fossil Fuel Combustion Wastes in Florida Coal Ash Landfill
Florida Bioreactor Demonstration Project
Bioreactor Landfill Demonstration Project Timothy Townsend, Ph.D. University of Florida Debra Reinhart, Ph.D., P.E. University of Central Florida New River Solid Waste Association $5.4M
Partners Darabi & Associates Environmental Control Systems, Inc. Environmental Research and Education Foundation Florida Department of Environmental Protection Jones Edmunds and Associates Mercer University Polk County University of Central Florida University of Florida New River Solid Waste Association
Bioreactor Landfill Moisture Management Funded by the Urban Waste Management and Research Center at the University of New Orleans Debra Reinhart, Ph.D., P.E. University of Central Florida, Timothy Townsend, Ph.D. University of Florida Chris Zeiss, Ph.D. University of Alberta in Canada $250K
The Street Sweeping Project This project is a collaborative effort of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and 12 municipalities.
Partners Brevard County Surface Water Management City of Fort Myers City of Lake Worth Public Works City of Orlando City of Winter Park Florida Association of Stormwater Utilities Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority Reedy Creek Improvement District Sarasota County Public Works Seminole County Stormwater Utility Division St. Lucie County Public Works
Center Bulletin & Research News
FICESS (Florida Interdisciplinary Center for Environmentally Sound Solutions) Mission: Use National Science Foundation funding to promote innovative interdisciplinary collaboration on a variety of environmental issues over a three year period.
Goal Create partnerships among interested parties to solve environmental problems. Partners include UF, UM and FAMU.
FICESS provides a forum to: Identify emerging issues Brainstorm strategies Mobilize resources Pursue and secure funding
Process Project Identification Core Team Selection Issue Meetings White Paper Development Conference Project Development and Implementations
FICESS Partner Organizations F lorida Department of Environmental Protection – Ms. Mimi Drew, Mr. William Hinkley Alachua County Environmental Protection Department – Mr. Chris Bird, Director NASA Kennedy Space Center – Dr. William Knott, Chief Scientist Jones Edmunds and Associates – Bob White, P.E., Vice President Camp Dresser and McKee – Roderick Reardon, P.E., Vice President Dynamac Corporation – Douglas Britt, Vice President Bionetics Corporation – Mr. Jerry Moyer, Project Director PBS&J – John S. Shearer, P.E., Executive Vice President Koppers Industries – James Healey, Plant Manager
Conference Announcement… Treated Wood: Environmental Impacts of In-Service Use and Disposal. Orlando February Visit for more information.
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