RIA in ERRADA 2 workshops (in collaboration with SIGMA) to raise awareness about RIA concepts and tools (Mar 10, Jul 10). 1 workshop (in collaboration with SIGMA) to develop framework for RIA methodology. Formed RIA working group to develop methodology and conduct pilot RIA. 2
RIA Working Group ERRADA Executive Decision No. 6/2010. Members (5 GMU + 4 GRU). Responsibilities: Develop work plan including methodology and action plan to implement pilot RIA and evaluation of results. Design RIA methodology and technical guidelines. Receive GMU suggestions regarding RIA methodology. Coordinate with IT Department on development of RIA application. Develop a training program to measure cost and benefit in collaboration with ECP and SIGMA. Select 3 RIA pilot topics and undertake RIA studies on them sequentially. Prepare monthly progress report and present it to Executive Director and ERRADA community. 3
Output of RIA Working Group To Date Pilot RIA implementation plan (Dec 2010 – Jan 2012). Contents of RIA guidelines. RIA brief to raise awareness of non-ERRADA members about RIA. 4
Pilot RIA Implementation Plan Dec 2010 – Jan 2012 ActivityTaskStart DateEnd Date Prepare RIA guidelines Develop outline for contents of guidelines Prepare the guidelines 14-Dec-1031-Mar-11 Design training program Problem definition Measuring cost and benefit 2-Jan-1131-Jan-11 Examine country experiences Examine country experiences in ex-ante and ex-post RIA Examine experiences from Arab countries 2-Jan-1128-Feb-11 Prepare database on sources of data Coordinate with Ministry of State for Economic Development, Central Agency for Mobilization and Statistics and Information Decision Support Center about database. Prepare database 2-Jan31-Mar-11 Select RIA model to use as a guide (Egyptian model) 10-Jan-11 Specify IT requirements Select regulations subject to RIA under study RIA checklist Deliverables Reports 1-Feb30-Apr-11
ActivityTaskStart DateEnd Date Develop conceptualization of future of RIA in Egypt Affiliation Establishing regulation Functions Organization structure Action plan 2-Jan-1131-Mar-11 Develop regulatory reform glossary Identify terms compiled in inventory and e- registry working group Identify other terms compiled by RIA working group 6-Dec-1031-Mar-11 Select regulations that will be subject to pilot RIA Identify selection criteria Propose regulations and discuss them Select regulations according to criteria 1-Mar31-Mar-11 Implement 3 pilot RIA successively Define problem and objectives of review Identify available options Assess potential impacts of each option Select best option Consultation with relevant stakeholders Implementation Evaluation Prepare study Disseminate results 3-Apr31-Jan-12 Pilot RIA Implementation Plan Dec 2010 – Jan 2012
Topics proposed for RIA Taxes. Customs. Local Administration. The safety of ships. Tourism Law. Opening hours. Industry Law. Trailers. 7