MAC Protocol Implementation on Atmel AVR for Underwater Communication by Shaolin Peng CSC 714 Real Time Computer Systems
Aloha Protocol Atmega168 MACA Protocol Small & Sparse Network Small Packet Size Development Platform: STK500 AVR Studio
Problem List P1: Debugging Instrument Set up UART communication with the HyperTerminal on PC Connect two boards using wire as a start P2: Starvation Wait only after sending, not after receiving P3: Flexible Length Packet Receiving Receive the first two bytes, decode and decide P4: CRC Consideration 4 bits -> 8 bits (x^8 + x^2 + x + 1)
Problem List 2 P5: Random Number Generator ADC or Timer Counter P6: No response problem Set maximum retries number P7: Hardware Limitation Compile different files using different optimization levels E.g. -O3 for Goertzel algorithm (critical path) -Os for the other files Text data bss total (different optimization levels) (same optimization level)
Lake Raleigh Experimental Setup Throughput= Successfully received packets Total packets sent out
Results Indoors Aloha: 27.2% MACA: 23.8% Outdoors Aloha: 8.1% MACA: 8.2% Compare with MACA During the testing time, Aloha received almost twice data than MACA
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