Everything You need (I Think) to get control of your work comp costs Getting Started
Designate who will handle work comp injury reporting and the claim HR rep Safety Officer Supervisors Upper Management Support Person Your work comp team
Policy on how to handle injuries SYHR209 Work Comp Policy.pdf SYHR209 Work Comp Policy.pdf SYHR209 Work Comp Policy.pdf Work Comp policy
Job Demands Analysis Do you know what the job requires
Helps the Doctor with deciding on restrictions or not Full duty or not to full duty????, that is the question. JDA
Incident Report
Return to Work Policy Return to Work Policy You need a policy on how your company will handle an injured worker returning to work. ◦ It may be incorporated into your work comp policy In addition to a policy, you should have a defined program Should be different than FMLA policy
6. Light Duty Program Can be called many different names: 1. Light Duty 2. Return to Work 3. Modified Duty 4. Transitional Duty
Examples Light duty program.docx Light duty documents.docx
6. Trusted Medical Provider Directing Care- The employee’s choice of provider will be limited to a selected network of providers if an employer has established what is called a Preferred Provider Program or “PPP.” If there is a PPP, the employee has a choice of two physicians from the network within the PPP. Illinois Work Comp Handbook.pdf ILLINOIS HANDBOOK ON WORKERS’ COMPENSATION AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES. Section 5, Number 4
Follow up Doctor Visits Follow up Doctor Visits Employee Medical Provider Verification.docx
Baseline Data Baseline Data Gathered Pre-Hire Gathered Post Injury
9. Tying It All Together Determining-Permanent-Partial-Disability-In-Illinois.pdf Great white paper on how awards PPD awards Loss of use” is not specifically defined in the law, but it generally means the employee is unable to do things he or she was able to do before the injury. The Commission cannot make a PPD determination until the employee has reached maximum medical improvement or “MMI.” PPD is paid only if the job-related injury results in some permanent physical loss.